After closing the vacuum vessel, pumping will bring the pressure below
mBar after one day, but further decrease in the pressure occurs
extremely slowly. As the RGA requires a pressure below
baking of the vessel is necessary before a room temperature measurement can
be made.
Before the measurement, baking was performed for two days, followed by
cooling down to room temperature. The pressure was then
Spectra of the vacuum vessel as well as the RGA background were obtained,
and these are shown in figure 8. Only
/AMU ratios lower
than 60 are shown, to provide more detail and because no features were
different from the cold spectrum. The background was scaled up by a factor
of 1.7 to fit the NOTCam spectrum. At room temperature, the differences are
less pronounced, especially the
pressures are unchanged.
The dominating outgassing components from the vessel are
, i.e. basically atmospheric air. At a lower level, peaks from
NO, Ar and Ne are seen.