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HiRAC User Manual

Last update 19-08-98 by Jacob W. Clasen

HiRAC / BIAS Quick Reference


    HiRAC can be used in two modes: direct imaging with tip/tilt correction or direct imaging without tip/tilt correction.
    Common for both modes of operation is the use of the Loral 2k CCD camera which is controlled with a program called BIAS.
    BIAS (Brorfelde Image Acquisition System) is a software program running on a PC under LINUX. The software provides the observer with control over the CCD camera, enabling him/ her to make observations effectively, study the data on-line and save the data for later processing. This program manages the user interface and communicates with the camera controller.

The BIAS control system

    Start the BIAS program by following the instructions in the HiRAC Startup Procedure. These instructions are also found in a printed form in the control room.
    BIAS will start within a few seconds, giving you a status window, an image display window (SAOimage) and a control window where commands are given. Each are described in detail below and all the BIAS commands are listed at the end of this document. Type 'quit' or 'exit' at the BIAS>_ prompt to leave the BIAS system.


      This window will be familiar to many users. Images from the CCD or from a file on the disk may be viewed in SAOimage. A number of pushbuttons with various functions can be used for controlling the displayed image.
      Note that pixel (1,1) is in the lower left corner. When the mouse cursor is in the image, the intensity shown (besides the x,y value) is scaled back to almost true values from the given highcut and lowcut.
      A manualpage for SAOimage is available by typing man saoimage.
      This SAOimage is controlled by the BIAS program. Other SAOimage's can be started from the command line.

    Status window

      The status window gives you information about your setup and the condition/configuration of the CCD. The screen looks like this

      The first line gives information about date, time and CCD controller identifier.

    • TOTX and TOTY: Total size of CCD in x and y (physical dimensions).
    • IMX and IMY: Actual size chosen (window).
    • BEGX and BEGY: Starting pixel x and y values.
    • BINX and BINY: Binning selected.
    • OVS: Overscan pixel count.
    • The 'CCD: IDLE' is the status of the CCD controller. It can be 'IDLE', 'INTEGRATING', 'READOUT' and 'PENDING'. 'PENDING' is when the BIAS program is waiting to readout the image.
    • When the CCD is 'IDLE', the default integration time and default number of multiple integrations is shown on the next line.
    • When the CCD is 'INTEGRATING' the remaining exposure time is shown, and if multiple integrations are in progress the multi. count and multi. total are shown.
    • When the CCD is 'READOUT' the linenumber being read out is shown.
    • The next part shows the CCD temperature, the CCD set point temperature and the temperature of the LN2 tank.
    • 'Ampl' (readout amplifier) can be 'A', 'B' or 'AB'. Currently amplifier 'A' is the default.
    • The 'IMPATH' is the path where image files and log files are stored. The default value is the value stored in the startup file .biasrc (below). Remaining diskspace is shown in megabytes. A warning will be given when there is less than 20 MB left on the disk.
    • The 'REM_IMPATH' is the path on a remote machine, where images are archived.
    • The 'NEXT_FILE' is the name of the next image being stored. Note that the images are stored after the readout is completed. The 'FILE' is the latest stored file or the file shown in SAOimage. If files are being saved automatically after readout, 'AUTOSAVE' is shown as 'ON'.
    • 'HIGHCUT', 'LOWCUT' and 'ZOOM' are the values used in displaying the image. The 'ZOOM' value is not updated when using the zoom function in SAOimage.
    • 'OBJECT' is a string set by the observer to identify the image. See the command list.
    • 'XPOS', 'YPOS' and 'ZPOS' are the X and Y position of the internal guideprobe (not the telescope's) and the focus of the CCD camera attached to this guideprobe. This is used when tip/tilt correction is active.
    • 'FILTER' is the current filter position.
    • 'SHUTTER' indicates the shutter status; 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED'.
    • 'HIRAC TEMP' displays the temperature of the HiRAC guide camera.

      'TIP/TILT INFO' is explained below.

    Filter control

      Filters are inserted into the filterwheel by the support astronomer. Light not transmitted by HiRAC filters is reflected to provide the light required for active tip/tilt correction. The filters are therefore very flat.
      The current filter number is shown in the lower part of the status window. A small window is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. This shows which filters are mounted in which positions. This window looks like this:

      The filter is changed by giving the command "filter nn" at the BIAS prompt. nn is the filter position.

    The .biasrc file

      In the startup directory a file called biasrc controls the initial setting of a number of options. The file is read when BIAS is started. The structure of this file is:


      An example is shown beneath

      LOCAL_PATH /home3/guest/data2
      REMOTE_SYSTEM lisa
      REMOTE_PATH /home/staff/guest/data
      AMPL A
      MAGZERO 30.0

      Keywords are:

      STARTUP ON | OFF Show a BIAS news file at startup. The file is called biasnews
      AUTOSAVE ON | OFF Save the images on the local disk.
      LOCAL_PATH path The directory in which to store images.
      REMOTE_SAVE ON | OFF Save the images on the REMOTE_SYSTEM
      REMOTE_SYSTEM machine_name Set the logical name of the workstation connected to this system, and used for storage and possibly running image processing systems.
      REMOTE_PATH path The directory on the remote machine in which to store images. Be sure to have write permission in this directory. The user must have the same UID on the local and the remote machine and have an .rhosts file allowing remote shell login without password.
      AMPL A | B | AB Select amplifier.
      MPPMODE ON | OFF Set MPP mode on or off
      GAINMODE HIGH | LOW Select the gain mode.
      MIDAS_BATCH ON | OFF Send a command to MIDAS on the REMOTE_SYSTEM to display the image and prepare processing. The remote system must have appropriate programs installed. Uses a shell script called sendremote
      GET_INFO ON | OFF Ask different external systems about additional FITS header information. Uses a shell script called getinfo
      AUTOSHOW ON | OFF Show images as soon as they are read out from the CCD.
      MAGZERO nn.n Sets the zero point for magnitude calculation in the 'imexamine' command.
      EXTRA_PHOT ON | OFF Determines if something I don't know is shown when using the 'imexamine' command.
      TCSIP nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Sets the IP address for the TCS computer.
      FOCUS_NUMEXP n Sets the number of sub-exposures to make when making an automatic focus sequence.
      FOCUS_OFFSET_RA nn Sets the amount to offset the telescope in alpha between sub-exposures in the autimatic focus sequence.
      FOCUS_OFFSET_DEC nn Sets the amount to offset the telescope in delta between sub-exposures in the automatic focus sequence.
      FOCUS_PATTERN ANGLE | STRAIT Sets wheather the last sub-exposure in the focus sequence should be offset to a side or made in-line with the rest, but with twice the telescope offset.

    Directories and files

      The default 'impath' directory is /home3/guest/data2 and should always be kept as such. If there is little or no space on the disk, contact the support staff.
      The automatic filenaming mechanism gives you a default filename with the following meaning:

      d j 2 3 0 0 2 5
      | | | | | | | |
      | | | | ---------------- Automatic incremented number
      | | | |
      | | ---------------------- Day of the month
      | |
      | ------------------------- Month, a = jan, b = feb, ...
      ---------------------------- Year, 1991 = a, 1992 = b, ...

      These filenames can be overridden, if your filename has a letter for the first character, and ends with 4 digits. If a file of the same name already exists when the program is saving data, it is not overwritten, but the next free number is used (this might be confusing if you delete some files and start over again). The default filenames are MS-DOS compatible.
      A logfile called eg. loghh17.001 is created with all the input/output on the BIAS screen. This name cannot be changed.

    Backup/storage of images

      After each night of observing, the duty staff make 2 copies of the night's data on CD-ROM. One copy is kept in the NOT archive.
      The observers are responsible for deleting the data from previous nights.

    FITS headers

      The header of each FITS file contains all information about the exposure. To view a file, use the less filename utility from the UNIX prompt or the head filename command from within BIAS.
      Shown below is the FITS header attached to all the files:

              TELESCOP=  'NOT            '    /
      	INSTRUME=  'BROCAM2  T/T '      /
      	DETNAME =  'LORAL 2k x 2k'      /
      	DATE    =  '16-08-98'           /
      	FILENAME=  'hh160001'           /
      	OBJECT  = 'bias                '/
      	EXPTIME =                0.000  /
      	TM_START=                69652  /  19:20:52          UT start time
      	TM_END  =                69737  /  19:22:17          UT end time
      	CRVAL1  =                    1  /
      	CRPIX1  =                    1  /
      	CDELT1  =                    1  /
      	CRVAL2  =                    1  /
      	CRPIX2  =                    1  /
      	CDELT2  =                    1  /
      	COMMENT =                       
      	COMMENT = ''                    
      	GAINM   =    'HIGH'             /  High or Low
      	AMPLM   =    'A '               /  A / B or AB
      	CCDTEMP =               -100.1  /
      	LN2TEMP =                224.6  /
      	COMMENT = ''                    
      	MPP     =                    1  /
      	CHIPID  =     '2K3EB  C1W14/2  '/
      	DATAMIN =     '     389'        /
      	DATAMAX =     '     423'        /
      	XOVERSC =     '      50'        /
      	YOVERSC =     '       0'        /
      	AOVERSC =     '       0'        /
      	FILTERNO=      '4'              /
      	FILTER  =      'HiRAC-R'        /
      	ST      =          15:51:11.70  / Siderial time at start
      	RA      =       237.4520044459  / Right ascention at start (15h:49m:48.48s)
      	DEC     =        28.9181866445  / Declination at start ( 28d:55m:5.5s)
      	AIRMAS  =         1.0000088064  / Airmass at start (sec(z))
      	FIELD   =                90.00  / Field rotation at start
      	FOC     =                22078  / Telescope focus at start

    BIAS commands

    Printable version of the commands.

      help Print the BIAS help page.
      quit Exit BIAS. ( alias 'exit' ).
      exp [ttt.t] Normal expose for 'ttt.t' sec.
      mexp [ttt [nnn]] nnn multiple exposures of time ttt.
      dark [ttt] Dark exposure for 'ttt' sec.
      mdark [ttt [nnn]] nnn multiple dark exposures of time ttt.
      focus [focus startvalue] [focus stepsize ] [ttt] Start a focus sequence, each exp. of ttt sec. First image at "focus startvalue" and focus will be incremented be "focus stepsize".
      abort Stop an ongoing integration or readout.
      readout Reads out the ccd. Use 'abort' first to stop the exposure.
      addtime ttt Adds ttt seconds to an integration. 'ttt' can be negative, if the resulting remaining integration time is < 0, the integration is stopped and the ccd is read out.
      hold Hold an ongoing integration (close shutter and stop the integration timer).
      resume Resume an integration (open shutter and restart the integration timer).
      save Save the image in next filename.
      tint [ ttt.t ] set default integration time in sec.
      mult [ nnn ] set default no. of multiple integrations.
      xbeg [ nnn ] set start x value of CCD readout.
      ybeg [ nnn ] set start y value of CCD readout.
      xsize [ nnn ] set x size in true pixel value.
      ysize [ nnn ] set y size in true pixel value.
      xbin [ nn ] set x-binning.
      ybin [ nn ] set y-binning.
      bin [ nn ] set x and y-binning.
      resetxy reset the CCD geometry values to defaults.
      gainh, gainl Set gain high or low. Normal operation mode is 'highgain' which gives a readout speed of ~70 sec. for a full frame. 'Gainlow' gives a readout speed of ~45 sec. The conversion factor is different in the two modes.
      mpp+, mpp- Set MPP mode on or off.
      autosave+ Turn on automatic saving of images on local disk.
      autosave- Turn off automatic saving of images on local disk.
      remsave+ Turn on saving on remote disk. The remote work station and path must be defined in '.biasrc'.
      remsave- Turn off saving on remote machine.
      impath [ path ] Change the default image directory. Use with care.
      rempath [ path ] Set path on remote machine.
      remsystem system Set the remote system ( Unix machine ).
      filename [ name ] Specify the output file names, the length <= 8 char, 1. char must be a letter, last 4 must be numbers. (Be careful about this, as the last filename may automatically be updated in '.biasrc'.)
      autoshow+ Show images in SAOImage.
      autoshow- Do not show images in SAOImage.
      ls Unix list 'ls' command in impath directory.
      ll Unix list 'ls -l' command in impath directory.
      imexamine Start an Iraf-like imex, valid 'imex' commands are:
      q: back to BIAS commands.
      z: print 10x10 box values.
      a: aperture photometry.
      m: show statistics from data in 'imexbox'.
      h: histogram plot.
      c: plot total column.
      l: plot total line.
      s: surface plot.
      e: contour plot.
      v-v : vector plot from 'v' is hit until next 'v' is hit.
      u-u : vector plot symmetrically around first 'u'.
      = : print the plot on the laserprinter.
      g: Prepare the Tip/Tilt modult to use this star for guiding.
      p: Preset the T/T guideprobe to the star selected with 'g'.
      imexbox [ nn ] Define the 'aperture' box for surface- and contour plots.
      aperture [ nn ] Set the size of the aperture used in 'imexamine'. The size is adjusted to an uneven value.
      magzero [ zz.z ] Set the magnitude offset for magnitude calculation in the 'imexamine' 'a' function. The value can be fixed at startup in the .biasrc file.
      disp [filename] Display an image from disk in SAOImage. ( alias 'ld' ).
      seth [ nnn ] Set highcut for displayed image. ( alias 'z2' ).
      setl [ nnn ] Set lowcut for displayed image. ( alias 'z1' ).
      z+, z- Zoom in or out, this works independently of SAOImage. If you zoom with SAOImage buttons, the displayed value in the status window is notupdated.
      object [text] Specify an object name for the FITS header. Max. 20 char. The text is saved until changed.
      comment [text] Comments to put in FITS header. Max. 40 char. The text is cleared after storing in the FITS header.
      comment1 [text] Extra comment field to put in FITS header. Not cleared after use.
      head View the current FITS file header. Use 'q' to quit.
      logon Start a log of your command screen. Default on.
      logoff Stop the log.
      !xxxxxx Execute the Unix command 'xxxxxx'.
      saoimage Restart SAOImage.
      Miscellaneous commands :
      sleep nn Wait for nn seconds. (For use in batch routines).
      wait Wait for key press.
      rbias Re-read the '.biasrc'.
      stat Ask if camera is Busy or Ready. Answers 'B' or 'R'.
      run filename Run a batch with commands (any command except 'run').
      xrun command boxsize Goes into SAOImage, when Return or Space is hit, the box is saved in a textfile ''. The command is then run in an xterm window.
      guide Start the tip/tilt fast guiding facility.
      sguide Stop the tip/tilt module.
      hfast Make a indefinite sequence of images with the HiRAC guidecamera. the images are not saved to disk.
      habort Aborts the actions of the 'hfast' command.
      ttinit Initializes the x, y, z, filter and shutter of HiRAC.
      xinit Initializes the x movement of HiRAC. 'yinit', 'zinit', 'finit' and 'sinit' initializes the y movement, z movement, the filter and the shutter.
      xgo [nnnnn] Moves the x motion of the HiRAC guideprobe to position nnnnn (stepvalue). Range is [0..33000]. All of the x,y,z motions has limit switches to avoid mechanical collision.
      ygo [nnnnn] Moves the y motion of the HiRAC guideprobe as above.
      zgo [nnnn] Moves the focus of the HiRAC guidecamera to position nnnn (stepvalue). Range is [0..4400].
      telguide+ Turn on autocorrection of telescope when guidestar is drifting out of the T/T stroke range.
      telguide- Turn off the autocorrection of the telescope.
      sopen Direct command to open the shutter. TECH USE ONLY!
      sclose Direct command to close the shutter. TECH USE ONLY!
      sexp [nn] Direct command which opens the shutter for nn seconds and then closes it again. This command has nothing to do with the camera. DO NOT use it for anything else that experiments! It is intended for use when making star trails on the science CCD.

Using the tip/tilt system

    Preparing HiRAC (Staff only)

    1. Connect the cooling pump for the guide camera. This involves mounting the cooling pump base the the coold block in the service hole for the az motor and connecting and turning on the power to the cooling pump.
    2. Turn on the power supply for the peletier cooler in the guide camera. Current should be ~2amps, voltage ~10V. Ideally the camera should be pumped before doing this.
    3. Before starting HiRAC BIAS, download code to the guide camera. Give the UNIX command 'cd ~hirac/aux-files' followed by 'bterm540'. Now press 'PgUp' to download and Ctrl-e when finished (BBBBB-s are printed).

    Aquiring a guide star

      Take a snapshoot of the field. You can bin 2 by 2 for faster readout. Enter 'imexamine' mode, put the cursor on the preferred star. Press 'g' this gives the estimated probe coordinates. Press 'p' if you are happy with this. The guide probe will now be preset to this star.

    Starting and stopping guiding

      Guiding is started by the command 'guide'. When guiding is on, the flux in the four quadrants are shown in the status display as Flx1, Flx2, Flx3 and Flx4. for proper guiding these should be at least 100 on average. Changing the guiding frequency will change the flux. Also shown are the requested T/T position (Tx and Ty). These should be around 1500-2000 on average. If Tx or Ty stays at 0 or 4096, the T/T module is in the limit. This is usually caused by a badly centered guide star (see the 'telguide' command).
      The guiding is stopped by the command 'sguide'.

    Setting the guide frequency

      The guide frequency is set by using the commmand 'hfreq nnn' while not guiding, where nnn is the guide frequency. Frequencies lower than 15Hz will not give significant improvements. The frequency may be increased until the average quadrant flux is in the range 100-300 or the frequency reaches 50Hz.

    The 'telguide' command

      If the guide star is not properly centered (Tx or Ty in limit), this may be acomplished by using the 'telguide command'. By issuing the command 'telguide+' the telescope guideprobe is gradually moved such that the guide star will be centered in the HiRAC guide probe. This can also be used to take up small offsets between filters.

    Automatic guide frequency

      By giving the command %ATEX1 in BIAS, the guide camera exposure time will gradually be adjusted until a certain flux level reached, within the limits of 10Hz to 100Hz guiding frequency. The target flux level is 300 ADU/quadrant.
      The feature can be disabled by typing %ATEX0.
      For many targets, where the guidestar is faint, it may be desirable to use a lower flux and a higher frequency, preventing the effective use of this command (improvements to software are planned).

    Automatic gain adjustment

      To be added later.

Observing with HiRAC

    Focusing the telescope from BIAS

    Focusing the telescope is acheived by making a focus sequence. When using HiRAC, this is done with the BIAS command focus. This makes a number of sub-exposures on the same CCD image. Between the sub-exposures the telescope is offset and the focus changed. In this way several values for the telescope focus can be inspected on the same image.

    1. On the TCS console, give the command foc-man.
    2. Give the BIAS command 'focus nnnnn mm tt', where
      'nnnnn' is the start value of the telescope focus,
      'mm' is the amount to change the telescope focus between sub-exposures,
      'tt' is the exposure time for each of the sub-exposures.
    3. When the image is fully read out, type imexa.
    4. Place the cursor over each of the stellar images, pressing the 'a' key on the keyboard. Note the value for the FWHM and the ellipticity.
    5. When the stellar image with the smallest FWHM and ellipticity has been found, the focus value associated with that image is the correct focus value.
    6. On the TCS console, give the command foc-pos nnnnn, there 'nnnnn' is the correct focus value.
    7. On the TCS colsole, give the command foc-aut.

    Offsetting the telescope from BIAS or
    how to make mosaic images

    A special command to offset the telescope is available in BIAS. This command is made in order to make it easier to make mosaic images of large object or to offset the telescope between many exposures.
    Of course, this feature has always been available in the TCS, but now it is possible to use the teloffset command from a BIAS batch file.
    The teloffset command offsets the telescope in such a way that the CCD image field-of-view is shifted in either the pixel X or Y direction. This means that if the field is set to give RA and DEC along the CCD X and Y direction, then the resulting telescope offset will be in RA and DEC. But when the field angle is different the teloffset command will compensate for this and move the CCD FOV as decribed above.

    On the NOT WWW, a form for creating the appropriate BIAS batch file was available!

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