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HiRAC / BIAS Quick Reference

Last update 25-08-98 by Jacob W. Clasen

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Using BIAS

    Commands for controlling the CCD camera are typed in in the command window (click here to see the different windows) The status of the CCD is shown in the top (status) window.

    The most common commands are:

    exp nn : Expose for nn seconds.
    dark nn : Dark exposure of nn seconds.
    autosave+ : Turns automatic saving of images on.
    autosave- : Turns automatic saving of images off.
    imexa : Examine an image using an IRAF-like 'imexamine' function.

BIAS commands

Using the tip/tilt system

See the HiRAC User Manual for more information.

    Aquiring a guide star

    1. Make an image of the desired field.
    2. Type 'imexa'.
    3. Place the cursor over the desired guidestar (Bright and close to the object).
    4. Press 'g'.
    5. Press 'p' if you want to use this guidestar.
    6. Type 'hfast'. This shows the guidecamera image in real time.
    7. Check that the guidestar is on CCD pixel (9.5 , 6.5)
    8. If not, move the guideprobe with the commands xgo nnnnn and ygo nnnnn (see command list).

    Starting and stopping guiding

    1. Start the tip/tilt with the command guide.
    2. Stop with the command sguide.

    Setting the guide frequency

    1. Type hfreq nn for setting the guide frequency to nn Hz.
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