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e2v Technologies (now Teledyne e2v)
Device Type
CCD42-40 nimo back illuminated
Active pixels:
  Horizontal 2048
  Vertical 2048+4
  Serial overscan 50 at each end + 50 artifical
  Vertical overscan 50 artifical
Pixel size & plate scale 13.5µ, 0.19 arc sec/pixel
Readout noise1, Amp A 4.2 e-/pixel (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Readout noise1, Amp B
4.07 e-/pixel (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Conversion factor (high gain) 0.327 e-/ADU (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Nonlinearity Good up to 350 kADUs (~114500e-) and shutter correction
Readout time Full frame 25s,  see also table of readout times 

1 Note: The Readout noise is specified with the new controller (23rd June 2011), but before any attempt to optimise the performance on the telescope.

Back to top Last modified: May 31 2023