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P70-503: The local transient Universe

PI: E. Kankare, M. Stritzinger, T. Reynolds

ToO + Soft ToO triggers with ALFOSC

Observations will be requested with ALFOSC and the OB generator will be used to request all ToO and SoftToO observations.

To summarise:

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/70-503
List the available scripts
  ls -lrt

and execute the OB generated scripts requested in the trigger email.

Fixed scheduled service observations with NOTCam

The OB generator will be used to request all observations. For each night, the PI will submit OBS through the OB-generator. These OBs needs to be queued and compiled by the observer.

In order to queue the observations, enter the OB generator and click on the Queue it! button.
Then compile the scripts manually, either through the compile buttons in the OB generator or from within the OB queue.

Scripts are placed in the directory ~/scripts/70-503/ as above for ALFOSC ToO/Soft ToO.

General information on the ALFOSC spectroscopy and photometry:

  • Possible required setup:
    • Filters: ugriz, (UBVRI)
    • Grisms: #4, #7, #8, #18, #19, #20
    • Slits: 0.75", 1.0", 1.3"

  • If the seeing is better than ~1.2", the 1.0" slit should be used, otherwise the 1.3" one.

  • Take 3 imaging flat fields in the required broadband filters using twilight sky, either in the evening or in the morning, using the alfosc.easyflat script.

  • The exposure time of the spectrum depends on the magnitude of the target:
    • If V < 17 mag the on-source exposure time is 1 x 900 sec
    • If V = 17-18 mag the on-source exposure time is 1 x 1800 sec
    • If V = 18-19 mag the on-source exposure time is 1 x 2400 sec
    • If V > 19 mag the on-source exposure time is 1 x 3600 sec

  • Standards will usually be selected by the triggering individual and OB scripts for observing these will also be present in ~/scripts/66-506. Typically one of the following spectroscopic standards is used (sorted in the order of preference):

  • ING ID Name RA (J2000.0) DEC (J2000.0) Exp. time FC
    SP1036+433 Feige 34 10:39:36.7 +43:06:10.1 100 sec Feige34.gif
    SP1234+254 Feige 66 12:37:23.6 +25:04:00.3 50 sec Feige66.gif
    SP0501+527 G191B2B 05:05:30.6 +52:49:56.0 120 sec G191B2B.gif
    SP1550+330 BD+33 2642 15:51:59.9 +32:56:53.0 60 sec BD+33.2642.gif
    SP2148+286 BD+28 4211 21:51:11.1 +28:51:52.0 60 sec BD+28.4211.gif

  • No blocking filter should be used in any of the spectroscopic observations.

  • The ALFOSC specific Cookbook can be accessed here.

General information on the NOTCam photometry:

NOTCam will be used only in the Service part of this proposal. The service time is on fixed nights and the tracking log will not include these observations.

The OB generator will be used to prepare all observations, and the information below is only for orientation.

  • Possible required setup:
    • Filters: JHKs
    • Camera: WF

  • Take 2 sets (bright and faint with the same exposure time) of 8 imaging flat fields in the required broadband filters using twilight sky, either in the evening or in the morning, using the notcam.skyflat script.

  • Please, make sure that the target counts (including sky background) remain linear, i.e. <25000 counts – check & adjust exposure times if necessary. This is particularly important in the Ks-band.

  • Generally the targets are expected to be distant enough that off-source dithering for background subtraction will not be required and that the on-source exposures can be used also as sky frames. By default, the observing scripts are based on the 9point script which carries out a 9 point dither (3x3 grid) observation. However, if separate sky frames are required a beamswitch script will be used.

  • The NOTCam specific Cookbook can be accessed here.

Program Tracking
Proposal 70-503
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Thomas Reynolds
Programme The local transient Universe
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 10 hard ToOs override 10h, 60h SoftToO
Total Nights 7
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override. Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 51:22 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
70-503 2024-10-04 02:21 SoftToO SP1550+330, SN2024hpj, SN2024wvb,
ALHj040079 - ALHj040085,ALHj040100 - ALHj040108,ALHj040135 - ALHj040139,ALHj040173 - ALHj040177 Missed some targets due to schedule being overpacked with other soft-ToOs and monitors. Observed
70-503 2024-10-05 00:48 SoftToO Feige110, SN2024uea ALHj050086 - ALHj050090, ALHj050109 - ALHj050113 Observed in clear skies with seeing below 1.0" Observed
70-503 2024-10-07 01:27 SoftToO SN2024wye, Feige110, SN2024uea,
ALHj070254 - ALHj070263, ALHj070268 - ALHj070282 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Missed 2024vjc due to high winds Observed
70-503 2024-10-08 00:58 SoftToO Feige110, SN2024vjc ALHj080037 - ALHj080046 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Observed
70-503 2024-10-09 00:34 SoftToO SN2024wwd, Feige110 ALHj090116-120, 128-136 Dark sky good seeing Observed
70-503 2024-10-12 01:42 SoftToO SN2024xui, SN2024xmg ALHj120006 - ALHj120015 Clear skies and seeing between 1.5-2.0'' Observed
70-503 2024-10-13 00:42 SoftToO SN2024hpj, Feige110, SN2024uea ALHj130196 - ALHj130204 ; ALHj130254 - ALHj130259 The standard couldn't be observed due to thick clouds, but the rest of the OBs were observed through thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
70-503 2024-10-14 00:00 SoftToO No observations due to bad weather Failed
70-503 2024-10-18 02:28 SoftToO BD174708, SN2024vjc, SN2024xmg,
ALHj180145 - ALHj180149; ALHj180161 - ALHj180170 ; ALHj180183 - ALHj180187 Target observed with clear skies and variable seeing. Observed
70-503 2024-10-19 00:24 SoftToO BD174708, SN2024wye ALHj190076 - ALHj190088 Targets observed with some thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
70-503 2024-10-26 00:47 SoftToO SN2024hpj, BD174708, SN2024uea ALHj260148 - ALHj260154, ALHj260162 - ALHj260166, ALHj260173 - ALHj260177 Difficult night, only 2 targets have been successfully observed in thin clouds and high seeing. Observed
70-503 2024-10-27 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be taken due to bad weather. Failed
70-503 2024-10-30 00:51 SoftToO SN2024uea, SN2024xdq, BD174708 ALHj300068 - ALHj300072, ALHj300099 - ALHj300104, ALHj300140 - ALHj300144 The targets were observed when seeing was = 1.0''. The standard star is not taken into account in the time spent because at least two programs whose targets were observed tonight with the same setup can use the same files. Observed
70-503 2024-10-31 01:39 SoftToO BD174708, 2017hcc, AT2023nzt, SN2024zmm ALHj310145 - ALHj310153, ALHj310229 - ALHj310258, ALHj310279 - ALHj310283 All the targets were observed during sub-arcsecond seeing. The standard star observation is not included in the time spent because other programs need the calibration files as their setups were similar. Observed
70-503 2024-11-03 01:29 SoftToO BD174708, SN2024xmg, SN2024zmm ALHk030083 - ALHk030087, ALHk030095 - ALHk030104 Thin clouds and seeing around 1.0''. For SN2024zmm clouds got thicker as the observation progressed, so the quality of the data is possibly compromised. Observed
70-503 2024-11-06 01:31 SoftToO SN2024uea, HD19445, SN2024zmm, SN2024gzk ALHk060047 - ALHk060077 All of the targets were observed during a cloudy sky. Files ALHk060066 - ALHk060070 are most likely redundant as this observation was halted due to thickening clouds. This observation and the first standard star attempt are not included in time spent. Observed
70-503 2024-11-07 00:00 SoftToO SN2024uea, HD19445 ALHk070025 - ALHk070029 Standard star was observed but none of the science targets were observed due to clouds. Since there are no successful science observations, the standard star is not included in the time spent. Observed
70-503 2024-11-09 02:02 SoftToO SN2024uea, SN2024wwd, HD19445, SN2024gzk ALHk090104 - ALHk090109; ALHk090120 - ALHk090129; ALHk090187 - ALHk090192 Targets observed in the beginning of the night with thin clouds and then clear skies for the final part of the night (SN2024gzk), and seeing around 1 arcsecond. Observed
70-503 2024-11-10 00:46 SoftToO SN2024uea, HD19445 ALHk100200 - ALHk100204 ; ALHk100214 - ALHk100218 Observed with clear, dusty skies and seeing of around 1 arcsec. Observed
70-503 2024-11-13 00:38 SoftToO SN2024hpj, HD19445 ALHk130068 - ALHk130076, ALHk130114 - ALHk130118 Standard and 2024hpj were observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Arp299 could not be observed due to high humidity Observed
70-503 2024-11-18 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be done due to bad weather Failed
70-503 2024-11-19 00:24 SoftToO SN2024uea ALHk190087 - ALHk190093 1 target was observed in thin clouds with seeing around 1.7" Observed
70-503 2024-11-24 01:33 SoftToO SN2024uea, HD19445, SN2024dy ALHk240057 - ALHk240068; ALHk240112 - ALHk240116 First observation went smoothly with seeing around 1.4", and the standard stars at both slits were observed. However, due to high humidity, the last observation could not be completed. The observation comprises only of half the exposure time. Standard stars will not count in time spent because other programs will use them too. Observed
70-503 2024-11-27 00:37 SoftToO SN2024abvb, HD19445, SN2024dy ALHk270233 - ALHk270237, ALHk270246 - ALHk270250 Observed in cloudy / dusty skies with high seeing Not all targets could be observed Observed
70-503 2024-11-28 00:49 SoftToO HD19445, SN2024dy ALHk280086 - ALHk280095, ALHk280148 - ALHk280152 1 target was observed in thin clouds with seeing around 1.6" Other targets could not be observed due to the bad weather conditions Observed
70-503 2024-12-02 00:39 ToO SN2024abvb, HD19445 ALHl020111 - ALHl020115; ALHl020122 - ALHl020126 First target was observed in clear skies according to the requirements. The standard star data was shared with other proposals. The final target observation had to be aborted due to bad seeing. Observed
70-503 2024-12-03 00:53 SoftToO SN2024abup, SN2024uea, HD19445 ALHl030152 - ALHl030156,ALHl030281 - ALHl030284 Targets observed with seeing 2-3 arcsec Observed
70-503 2024-12-06 00:37 SoftToO sn2024abfl, BD332642 ALHl060019 - ALHl060023; ALHl060032 - ALHl060036 The first target was observed according to the requirements. Conditions were volatile throughout the night and we didn't manage to observe the standard star, so we imaged another one when we could that we have shared, with approximately the same airmass and setup conditions as your required standard star. We are charging the full time for the standard star observation as it is only for your proposal, and is less time than the one you requested. Observed
70-503 2024-12-07 00:51 SoftToO SP1045+378, Arp299 ALHl070344 - ALHl070350,ALHl070351 - ALHl070355 Clear skies, sub-arcsec seeing. Shared standard from 68-501 Observed
70-503 2024-12-28 00:18 SoftToO SN2024uea ALHl280105 - ALHl280110, 111-115, 163-169 bad seeing , SN2024xdq and SN2024gzk failed (auto closing) Observed
70-503 2024-12-29 00:48 SoftToO SN2024gzk ALHl290215 - ALHl290220 Observed
70-503 2025-01-01 00:00 SoftToO SN2024xdq ALIa010064 - ALIa010071 Tried this super nova multiple times, but due to clouds thickening every time we set it as failed. Files ALIa010067 - ALIa010071 is a full run of the OB, but again the data is probably not very good. Failed
70-503 2025-01-02 01:30 SoftToO HD19445, SN2024uea, SN2024xdq,
SN2024agfq, SN2024cld
ALIa020054 - ALIa020058, ALIa020098 - ALIa020108, ALIa020191 - ALIa020194, ALIa020210 - ALIa020213 Subarcsec seeing, and mostly clear skies, with some very thin clouds towards the end Observed
70-503 2025-01-06 00:40 SoftToO SN2024acyl ALIa060225 - ALIa060236 good seeing Observed
70-503 2025-01-08 01:58 SoftToO sn2024abfl, SA100-241, HD19445,
SN2024adtg, sn2024cld
ALIa080095 - ALIa080099,ALIa080105 - ALIa080109,ALIa080112 - ALIa080116,ALIa080159 - ALIa080164,ALIa080222 - ALIa080226 Great night with excellent conditions. Low wind, humidity and good seeing. Observed all targets with their good seeing variants. Observed
70-503 2025-01-09 00:52 SoftToO SN2024acyl ALIa090060 - ALIa090074 Clear night with excellent conditions and good seeing. Requested observations taken one after the other. Observed
70-503 2025-01-10 01:10 SoftToO HD19445, SN2024cld ALIa100190 - ALIa100194; ALIa100311 - ALIa100315 Targets were observed in clear skies and with seeing of about 1.2" throughout the observation. Observed
70-503 2025-01-12 00:55 SoftToO SN2024acyl, SN2024adtg ALIa120072 - ALIa120083, ALIa120128 - ALIa120133 Seeing between 1 and 1.4 arcsec and clear skies Observed
70-503 2025-01-17 02:13 SoftToO sn2024abfl, SN2024uea, SN2024acyl,
HD19445, SN2024adtg, SN2024cld
ALIa170179 - ALIa170217, ALIa170252 - ALIa170258 Clear skies and seeing around 1.0'' Observed
70-503 2025-01-28 02:32 SoftToO HD19445, SN2024advj, SN2024acyl,
SN2024adtg, SN2024agls
ALIa280192 - ALIa280218, ALIa280231 - ALIa280241,ALIa280261 - ALIa280272 Observed targets with clear skies, < 1.3" seeing. Observed
70-503 2025-01-29 01:00 SoftToO SN2024advj, SN2024cld, HD19445 ALIa290104 - ALIa290109, ALIa290121 - ALIa290125, ALIa290211 - ALIa290217 After multiple attempts and battling with the wind, SN2024cld was observed. Variable seeing between 1.2" - 2.0", clear skies data shared with proposal 68-501 Observed
70-503 2025-01-30 00:27 ToO SN2024acyl, SN2024dy ALIa300061 - ALIa300064;ALIa300138 - ALIa300141 Very high winds coming from the SE quadrant throughout the night, so had to wait for the targets to be outside of this range. The 2024agfq target was attempted multiple times, but the seeing got progressively worse throughout the night, so by the time it had moved out of the wind range, the seeing was between 1.5" and 2.0". Observed
70-503 2025-01-31 00:00 SoftToO SN2024agfq ALIa310101 - ALIa310104 Setting SN2024agfq photometry as failed as the seeing requirements were not met. Nonetheless, you can take a look at the produced files. Due to the seeing conditions, we were also unable to do the spectroscopy afterwards. Failed
70-503 2025-02-01 01:26 SoftToO HD19445, SN2024adtg, SA100-241,
ALIb010069 - ALIb010073, ALIb010074 - ALIb010079, ALIb010080 - ALIb010084, ALIb010121 - ALIb010124, ALIb010128 - ALIb010133 Target SN2024uea was missed due to the telescope being closed at the observation window because of high humidity. The rest of the targets observed according to instructions. Seeing varied throughout the night dropping to 0.8 at the lowest. Sky was mostly clear during the night. Observed
70-503 2025-02-03 01:14 SoftToO sn2024abfl, SN2024agls, Feige34 ALIb030171 - ALIb030175, ALIb030200 - ALIb030211, ALIb030237 - ALIb030241 Observed soft ToO program without any issues. Observed
70-503 2025-02-08 00:54 ToO SN2024adtg, PG0918, SN2024agls ALIb080211 - ALIb080221, ALIb080230 - ALIb080241 Thin clouds. Seeing around 1''. Observed
70-503 2025-02-14 00:54 SoftToO SN2024xdq, sn2024abfl, Hilt600 ALIb140234 - ALIb140238, ALIb140260 - ALIb140264, ALIb140265 - ALIb140269 Targets SN2024xdq and sn2024abfl as well as a standard were observed. Partial cloud coverage during the night thin and at times thick clouds. An exposure of sn2024abfl was readout early due to thick clouds covering the target area. Failed observation not counted for time, files still accessible. Observed
70-503 2025-02-15 02:21 SoftToO Hilt600, SN2024acyl, SN2024adtg,
SN2024agls, SN2024cld, SN2024hpj
ALIb150064 - ALIb150068, ALIb150099 - ALIb150107, ALIb150113 - ALIb150117, ALIb150122 - ALIb150127, ALIb150145 - ALIb150154, ALIb150155 - ALIb150166, ALIb150207 - ALIb150210, ALIb150232 - ALIb150237 Four science targets observed. Two standard observations are redundant as the associated targets were missed. No time loss marked for these. First attempt of 2024acyl cancelled due to high wind from target's direction. A technical error forced termination of the first OB of SN2024agls during the first i-band exposure. The OB was restarted and the exposures, which had already been completed successfully were read out early. Please note the exposure times of the science files to determine the successful sequences. Observed
70-503 2025-02-16 01:50 SoftToO SN2024uea, Hilt600, SN2024agls,
ALIb160058 - ALIb160063, ALIb160110 - ALIb160131 All targets observed with clear skies and seeing oscillating between 0.7" and 1.0". Morning flats in the g', i or i' bands should be used instead of the evening ones, as due to a technical error they were taken too late. Observed
70-503 2025-02-18 00:50 SoftToO SN2024advj, Hilt600 ALIb180124 - ALIb180128, ALIb180294 - ALIb180298 Observed with clear skies and variable seeing. Strong gusts of wind throughout, so lower hatch remained closed for most of the observation. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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