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Instructions from the PI

Dear NOT observer and staff.

This is a set of instructions for NOT monitoring programme P70-502 (PI:HÃ¥kon Dahle), scheduled for service observations. The purpose is to monitor three of the five currently known gravitationally lensed quasars where the lens is a galaxy cluster. The main purpose of the observations is to use the light curves to make time delay measurements between multiple lensed quasar images in order to estimate the value of the Hubble constant. We will also determine the level of microlensing in each lens system. The target information and the observing strategy are reported below.

Please let us know whether you carried out these observations.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Håkon Dahle


For the "monitoring" observations use the script indicated by the OB.


For calibration we request:

- A set of three twilight flats for the SDSS g' filter
- alfosc-calibs

Available scripts

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/70-502

For these observations use the appropriate script for the date, complie the OB if needed.


CJ0335-1927 20 minutes 15 epochs

CJ0542-2125 20 minutes 17 epochs

J0909+44, 20 minutes 6 epochs

CJ1153+0756 35 minutes 15 epochs

J1326+48 13 minutes 15 epochs

J2222+2745 20 minutes 4 epochs

Date Time (UT) Duration Comments
07-10-2024 01:15-(SAT+15m) 00:20 COOLJ0335-1927 epoch1
07-10-2024 03:30-(SAT+15m) 00:20 COOLJ0542-2125 epoch1
08-10-2024 22:40-02:10 00:20 SDSSJ2222+2745 epoch1
11-10-2024 01:25-05:45 00:20 COOLJ0335-1927 epoch2
13-10-2024 03:45-(SAT+15m) 00:20 COOLJ0542-2125 epoch2
13-10-2024 03:50-(SAT+15m) 00:20 SDSSJ0909+4449 epoch1
26-10-2024 00:00-02:55 00:20 COOLJ0335-1927 epoch3
27-10-2024 02:15-04:30 00:20 COOLJ0542-2125 epoch3
03-11-2024 23:25-04:15 00:20 epoch4 COOLJ0335-1927
05-11-2024 01:35-06:05 00:20 epoch4 COOLJ0542-2125
07-11-2024 05:50-06:20 00:13 epoch1 SDSSJ1326+4806
09-11-2024 01:25-03:50 00:20 epoch5 COOLJ0335-1927
10-11-2024 02:30-05:45 00:20 epoch5 COOLJ0542-2125
10-11-2024 02:30-06:20 00:20 epoch2 SDSSJ0909+4449
10-11-2024 05:35-06:20 00:35 epoch1 SDSSJ1153+0755
13-11-2024 05:45-06:25 00:35 epoch2 SDSSJ1153+0755
13-11-2024 05:50-06:25 00:13 epoch2 SDSSJ1326+4806
24-11-2024 19:40-23:30 00:20 epoch2 SDSSJ2222+2745
24-11-2024 22:05-02:55 00:20 epoch6 COOLJ0335-1927
25-11-2024 00:15-03:25 00:20 epoch6 COOLJ0542-2125
27-11-2024 05:00-06:35 00:13 epoch3 SDSSJ1326+4806
28-11-2024 05:35-06:35 00:35 epoch3 SDSSJ1153+0755
02-12-2024 23:55-04:15 00:20 epoch7 COOLJ0542-2125
03-12-2024 21:30-02:20 00:20 epoch7 COOLJ0335-1927
06-12-2024 04:30-06:40 00:13 epoch4 SDSSJ1326+4806
06-12-2024 05:00-06:40 00:35 epoch4 SDSSJ1153+0755
07-12-2024 00:20-04:00 00:20 epoch8 COOLJ0542-2125
07-12-2024 00:30-06:40 00:20 epoch3 SDSSJ0909+4449
12-12-2024 05:50-06:45 00:13 epoch5 SDSSJ1326+4806
12-12-2024 05:50-06:45 00:35 epoch5 SDSSJ1153+0755
19-12-2024 19:30-22:00 00:20 epoch3 SDSSJ2222+2745
20-12-2024 20:20-23:35 00:20 epoch8 COOLJ0335-1927
22-12-2024 22:30-01:20 00:20 epoch9 COOLJ0542-2125
28-12-2024 03:00-06:55 00:13 epoch6 SDSSJ1326+4806
28-12-2024 03:20-06:50 00:35 epoch6 SDSSJ1153+0755
29-12-2024 19:45-00:35 00:20 epoch9 COOLJ0335-1927
01-01-2025 21:50-02:20 00:20 epoch10 COOLJ0542-2125
08-01-2025 03:40-06:55 00:13 epoch7 SDSSJ1326+4806
08-01-2025 22:30-06:15 00:20 epoch4 SDSSJ0909+4449
09-01-2025 04:45-06:55 00:35 epoch7 SDSSJ1153+0755
17-01-2025 19:45-20:25 00:20 epoch4 SDSSJ2222+2745
17-01-2025 19:45-22:15 00:20 epoch10 COOLJ0335-1927
21-01-2025 20:30-01:05 00:20 epoch11 COOLJ0542-2125
22-01-2025 01:20-02:40 00:13 epoch8 SDSSJ1326+4806
22-01-2025 01:30-02:40 00:35 epoch8 SDSSJ1153+0755
22-01-2025 19:55-23:05 00:20 epoch11 COOLJ0335-192
30-01-2025 00:50-06:50 00:13 epoch9 SDSSJ1326+4806
30-01-2025 19:55-22:30 00:20 epoch12 COOLJ0335-1927
30-01-2025 21:00-06:00 00:20 epoch5 SDSSJ0909+4449
31-01-2025 01:05-06:50 00:35 epoch9 SDSSJ1153+0755
31-01-2025 21:10-00:25 00:20 epoch12 COOLJ0542-2125
08-02-2025 05:45-06:50 00:35 epoch10 SDSSJ1153+0755
08-02-2025 05:50-06:50 00:13 epoch10 SDSSJ1326+4806
14-02-2025 20:10-20:55 00:20 epoch13 COOLJ0335-1927
16-02-2025 20:10-22:40 00:20 epoch13 COOLJ0542-2125
19-02-2025 23:30-01:30 00:13 epoch11 SDSSJ1326+4806
19-02-2025 23:30-01:30 00:35 epoch11 SDSSJ1153+0755
23-02-2025 20:10-21:00 00:20 epoch14 COOLJ0335-1927
23-02-2025 20:15-22:50 00:20 epoch14 COOLJ0542-2125
27-02-2025 20:15-22:35 00:20 epoch15 COOLJ0542-2125
27-02-2025 23:00-06:00 00:35 epoch12 SDSSJ1153+0755
27-02-2025 23:00-06:35 00:13 epoch12 SDSSJ1326+4806
03-03-2025 20:15-20:45 00:20 epoch15 COOLJ0335-1927
03-03-2025 23:20-04:30 00:20 epoch6 SDSSJ0909+4449
05-03-2025 01:40-05:20 00:35 epoch13 SDSSJ1153+0755
07-03-2025 03:40-06:20 00:13 epoch13 SDSSJ1326+4806
17-03-2025 20:25-21:25 00:20 epoch16 COOLJ0542-2125
20-03-2025 21:40-00:15 00:13 epoch14 SDSSJ1326+4806
20-03-2025 22:00-01:15 00:35 epoch14 SDSSJ1153+0755
22-03-2025 20:30-21:05 00:20 epoch17 COOLJ0542-2125
27-03-2025 21:15-06:05 00:13 epoch15 SDSSJ1326+4806
28-03-2025 21:30-03:45 00:35 epoch15 SDSSJ1153+0755

Program Tracking
Proposal 70-502
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Hakon Dahle
Programme Cluster-lensed quasars as probes of Hnaut
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 15x764s SJ1326, 15x1214s CJ0335, 17x1214s CJ0542, 15x2114s CJ1153, 4x1214s SJ2222, 6x1214s SJ0909
Total Nights 2.6
Type Mon
Notes Fixed dates to be scheduled
Total Time Spent 12:14 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
70-502 2024-10-07 00:38 Mon COOLJ0335-1927, COOLJ0542-2125 ALHj070310 - ALHj070312, ALHj070360 - ALHj070362 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Observed
70-502 2024-10-08 00:18 Mon SDSSJ2222 ALHj080034 - ALHj080036 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.7" Observed
70-502 2024-10-11 00:19 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHj110130 - ALHj110132 Clear skies and seeing around 1.0'' Observed
70-502 2024-10-13 00:41 Mon SDSSJ0909, COOLJ0542-2125 ALHj130265 - ALHj130270 Targets observed through thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec, with coolj0542_56 getting some thick clouds at the end of the observation. Observed
70-502 2024-10-26 00:00 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHj260178 - ALHj260178 Target was attempted, but the seeing requirement could not be met Failed
70-502 2024-10-27 00:00 Mon No observations could be taken due to bad weather. Failed
70-502 2024-11-03 00:20 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHk030124 - ALHk030126 Clear skies and seeing around 1.1''. Previously ctrl c'd because of cloud coverage. Observed
70-502 2024-11-05 00:18 Mon COOLJ0542-2125 ALHk050263 - ALHk050265 Observed during a clear sky, but with poor seeing (~3''). Observed
70-502 2024-11-07 00:00 Mon SDSSJ1326 - The target was missed due to thick clouds. Failed
70-502 2024-11-09 00:19 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHk090162 - ALHk090164 Observed with clear skies and seeing of around 1 arcsecond. Observed
70-502 2024-11-10 00:39 Mon COOLJ0542-2125, SDSSJ0909 ALHk100228 - ALHk100233 Targets COOLJ0542-2125, SDSSJ0909 observed with clear, dusty skies and seeing of around 2 arcsec. Missed COOLJ1153 because of the seeing requirements of the OB. Observed
70-502 2024-11-13 00:00 Mon Could not observe targets due to bad weather Failed
70-502 2024-11-24 00:37 Mon SDSSJ2222, COOLJ0335-1927 ALHk240003 - ALHk240005; ALHk240023 - ALHk240025 Seeing was around 1.3" for the majority of the observations, but worsened up to 1.7" at the end of the second one. Observed
70-502 2024-11-25 00:00 Mon - - The monitoring target was not observed due to a thick cloud coverage. Failed
70-502 2024-11-27 00:00 Mon Target could not be observed due to thick clouds Failed
70-502 2024-11-28 00:00 Mon Could not observe target due to high seeing and clouds Failed
70-502 2024-12-02 00:18 Mon COOLJ0542-2125 ALHl020150 - ALHl020152 Target was observed through thin clouds, with seeing around 1.3". Observed
70-502 2024-12-03 00:00 Mon No targets observed due to bad weather conditions at the time of the requested targets. Failed
70-502 2024-12-06 00:46 Mon SDSSJ1326, COOLJ1153 ALHl060041 - ALHl060046 Targets were observed according to requirements. Started off with thin clouds and ended with clear skies, with seeing around 1.3" Observed
70-502 2024-12-07 00:37 Mon COOLJ0542-2125, SDSSJ0909 ALHl070316 - ALHl070318;ALHl070326 - ALHl070328 Targets observed with clear skies and around 0.5-0.6" seeing. Observed
70-502 2024-12-19 00:19 Mon SDSSJ2222 ALHl190113 - ALHl190115 Observed with clear skiesna nd seeing around 1.5'' Observed
70-502 2024-12-20 00:19 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHl200076 - ALHl200078 Clear skies and seeing around 1.0'' Observed
70-502 2024-12-22 00:00 Mon none none Dome closed all night. Raining and snowing. Failed
70-502 2024-12-28 00:46 Mon SDSSJ1326, COOLJ1153 ALHl280178-183 Dark sky OK seeing Observed
70-502 2024-12-29 00:18 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALHl290147 - ALHl290149 Seeing worse than 1.3" Failed
70-502 2025-01-01 00:00 Mon - - Due to thick clouds this was not observed Failed
70-502 2025-01-08 00:31 Mon SDSSJ0909, SDSSJ1326 ALIa080185 - ALIa080187, ALIa080202 - ALIa080204 Great night with excellent conditions. Low wind, humidity and good seeing. All targets observed. Observed
70-502 2025-01-09 00:33 Mon COOLJ1153 ALIa090184 - ALIa090186 Clear night with excellent conditions and good seeing. Observed
70-502 2025-01-17 00:38 Mon SDSSJ2222, COOLJ0335-1927 ALIa170133 - ALIa170135, ALIa170162 - ALIa170164 Clear skies and seeing around 1.0''-1.3''. Observed
70-502 2025-01-21 00:00 Mon No observation done because of 100 % humidity. Failed
70-502 2025-01-22 00:00 Mon Nothing observed due to cloud cover, high humidity, rain, freezing conditions Failed
70-502 2025-01-30 00:48 Mon COOLJ0335-1927, SDSSJ0909, SDSSJ1326 ALIa300069 - ALIa300071; ALIa300099 - ALIa300101; ALIa300142 - ALIa300144 Targets observed when possible, as there were high speed winds coming from the SE. Otherwise observed in clear skies according to requirements. Observed
70-502 2025-01-31 00:38 Mon COOLJ1153 ALIa310116 - ALIa310121 coolj0542_66 was missed due to high winds. coolj1153_34 was observed with clear skies and seeing around 1.4-1.6''. However, the third exposure was interrupted due to high winds. To obtain the last exposure we reran the OB and read out immediatly the first two exposures. Thus the usable files are ALIa310116, ALIa310117 and ALIa310121. Please let us know if we should set this as failed. Observed
70-502 2025-02-08 00:11 Mon COOLJ1153, SDSSJ1326 ALIb080292 -ALIb080297 SDSSJ1326 was observed with thin clouds and seeing around 1.0'' COOLJ1153 failed due to thick clouds obscuring the target. Note that the first exposure looks okay (ALIb080292). Observed
70-502 2025-02-14 00:18 Mon COOLJ0335-1927 ALIb140204 - ALIb140206 Varying seeing 1.2-1.4''. Thin cloud cover over the sky. Completed. Possible satellite in one of the images. Observed
70-502 2025-02-16 00:19 Mon COOLJ0542-2125 ALIb160064 - ALIb160066 Target observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0". Flats taken in the evening were not good, so please use the morning flats for the g' band. Observed
70-502 2025-02-19 00:46 Mon SDSSJ1326, COOLJ1153 ALIb190352 - ALIb190357 Observed monitor targets shortly after power came back. Had to push coolj1153 slightly out of LST limits in order to observe. Hopefully it is acceptable. Conditions were good and seeing was below 1.3" Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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