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P70-016: Unknown mass loss at the final evolutionary stage of massive stars

PI: Takashi Nagao

ALFOSC SoftToO program

The OB generator will be used to request all observations.
The OBs will automatically appear in the OB queue and OB generated scripts will be automatically placed in the directory ~/scripts/70-016/.

For the observer:

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/70-016
List the available scripts
  ls -lrt
and execute the OB generated scripts requested.
If you cannot find the corresponding observing script, please (re-)compile it from the Queue interface.

In the case of NOTCam, make sure that differential skyflats are obtained for the camera and filter setup that is requested.

Remember to fill the SoftToO tracking log of this program.

Program Tracking
Proposal 70-016
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Takashi Nagao
Programme Unknown mass loss at the final evolutionary stage of massive stars
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 5 targets followed at 4 epochs with imalpol+spec SoftToO
Total Nights 26h
Type SoftToO
Notes Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 24:50 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
70-016 2024-10-01 02:42 SoftToO SN2024kgi, SN2024ueo, SN2024qiw,
ALHj010202 - ALHj010218, ALHj010239 - ALHj010246, ALHj010315 - ALHj010331, ALHj010340 - ALHj010357 The night was windy and had slightly poor seeing. However, all the observations in this proposal were successful. The spectroscopic standard Feige110 was not observed because a similar standard for grism 4 (HD19445) was observed. The files for the standard can be found in the calibration folder. Observed
70-016 2024-10-04 00:27 SoftToO SP1550+330, SN2024vgd ALHj040079 - ALHj040091 Night was very tight with other higher-priority ToOs and monitoring targets. Unfortunately, there was only time to observe one target. Observed
70-016 2024-10-05 02:19 SoftToO SN2024knu, SN2024kmc, SN2024qzr,
Feige110, SN2024gvz
ALHj050060 - ALHj050070, ALHj050081 - ALHj050090, ALHj050126 - ALHj050137 Observed in clear skies with seeing below 1.0" Observed
70-016 2024-10-06 00:36 SoftToO Feige110, SN2024gvz ALHj060054 - ALHj060058, ALHj060075 - ALHj060079 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.9" Observed
70-016 2024-10-11 01:37 SoftToO Feige110, SN2024xav, SN2024xdq,
ALHj110108 - ALHj110129, ALHj110133 - ALHj110149 Clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing. Observed
70-016 2024-10-12 00:21 SoftToO SN2024xav ALHj120016 - ALHj120020 Clear skies and seeing around 1.6''. There will be some vignetting effects towards the end of the exposure, as the lower hatch had to be closed due to high winds. Observed
70-016 2024-10-19 00:24 SoftToO SN2024xeb ALHj190133 - ALHj190137 Target observed through thin clouds and seeing of around 2 arcseconds. Observed
70-016 2024-10-26 00:00 SoftToO Bad weather prevented the observations Failed
70-016 2024-10-27 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be taken due to bad weather. Failed
70-016 2024-10-30 03:44 SoftToO SN2024kgi, SN2024ueo, SN2024xdq,
SN2024xav, SN2024qiw, SN2024gvz
ALHj300073 - ALHj300089, ALHj300119 - ALHj300123, ALHj300145 - ALHj300199 All the data was obtained during sub-arcsecond seeing and also in good conditions with other metrics. There were minor faults related to some OBs, but all of them were fixed in the end. See more detailed comments inside the OB blocks. The standard star provided by this program was not observed, but the files ALHj300071 and ALHj300072 contain the necessary calibration which were obtained via different program but identical setup. Observed
70-016 2024-11-03 00:56 SoftToO SN2024xeb, SN2024yrq ALHk030138 - ALHk030154, ALHk030160 - ALHk030163 Clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing Observed
70-016 2024-11-13 00:58 SoftToO SN2024aakj, SN2024qiw ALHk130080 - ALHk130088, ALHk130139 - ALHk130147 Targets were observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Observed
70-016 2024-11-18 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be done due to bad weather Failed
70-016 2024-11-19 00:00 SoftToO Targets could not be observed due to high humidity Failed
70-016 2024-11-24 03:04 SoftToO SN2024kgi, AT2024abup, SN2024qiw,
SN2024xdq, SN2024yrq
ALHk240006 - ALHk240022; ALHk240040 - ALHk240056; ALHk240069 - ALHk240097; ALHk240103 - ALHk240111 The appropriate slits were used depending on the visibility at the time of night, but overall stayed within the 1.2 - 1.7" range. Observed
70-016 2024-12-02 02:12 SoftToO SN2024qzr, SN2024xav,SN2024xeb ALHl020102 - ALHl020106; ALHl020141 - ALHl020145; ALHl020207 - ALHl020223 Targets were observed according to the seeing requirements. We had to start and stop some of the observations due to unstable seeing and clouds, so had to choose the most appropriate ones at the most appropriate times. We had difficulty finding some of your targets due to a lack of finding chart, so if this could be provided in the future then we can make sure that we observe exactly what you are looking for! :) Observed
70-016 2024-12-03 00:15 SoftToO AT2024abup ALHl030244 - ALHl030248 Target observed using the bad seeing variant in seeing more than 2 arcsec. Observed
70-016 2024-12-07 00:57 SoftToO SN2024abup, SN2024gvz, SP1045+378 ALHl070198 - ALHl070214; ALHl070319 - ALHl070323; ALHl070344 - ALHl070350 All targets observed with seeing around 0.6". Standard star shared with other proposals. Observed
70-016 2024-12-19 00:12 SoftToO SN2024abup ALHl190095 - ALHl190099 Thin clouds and seeing around 1.3'' Observed
70-016 2024-12-20 00:26 SoftToO SN2024abup, SN2024advj ALHl200084 - ALHl200095, ALHl200102 - ALHl200106, ALHl200107 - ALHl200118 Clear skies and seeing between 1.0-1.3'' sn2024advj_20241219_spec_1_3 was shared with 70-020 Observed
70-016 2024-12-28 00:32 SoftToO SN2024qiw, SN2024advj ALHl280119 -128 Bad seeing Observed
70-016 2024-12-29 00:35 SoftToO SN2024kgi ALHl290113 - ALHl290117 120-123 Observed
70-016 2025-01-02 00:55 SoftToO SN2024advj, SN2024abup, SN2024qiw,
ALIa020059 - ALIa020070, ALIa020094 - ALIa020097, ALIa020109 - ALIa020112, ALIa020179 - ALIa020183 Subarcsec seeing and clear skies Observed
70-016 2025-01-28 00:16 SoftToO SN2024advj ALIa280187 - ALIa280191 Observed with clear skies, 1" seeing. Observed
70-016 2025-01-29 00:48 SoftToO SN2024abup, SN2024xeb ALIa290100 - ALIa290103, ALIa290184 - ALIa290187 Observed with clear skies and variable seeing (1.1" - 1.4") Could not observe more targets due to weather and seeing >1.3" throughout the night Observed
70-016 2025-01-30 00:34 SoftToO SN2024advj, SN2024qiw ALIa300048 - ALIa300051;ALIa300087 - ALIa300091 Targets observed as soon as they were outside the range of high speed winds coming from the SE. Otherwise observed in clear skies with relatively good seeing. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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