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P68-507: Discovering and characterizing optical counterparts of gravitational wave sources

PI: Giorgos Leloudas, Luca Izzo, Daniele B. Malesani

ALFOSC/StanCam+NOTCam ToO program with override status

ToO triggers have override status.

The OB generator will be used to request all observations.
The OBs will automatically appear in the OB queue and OB generated scripts will be automatically placed in the directory ~/scripts/68-507/.

For the observer:

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/68-507
List the available scripts
  ls -lrt
and execute the OB generated scripts requested.
If you cannot find the corresponding observing script, please (re-)compile it from the Queue interface.

In the case of NOTCam, make sure that differential skyflats are obtained for the camera and filter setup that is requested.

Remember to fill the ToO or SoftToO tracking log of this program.

P68 tracking P69 tracking

Program Tracking
Proposal 68-507
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Giorgos Leloudas, Luca Izzo, Daniele B. Malesani
Programme Discovering and characterizing optical counterparts of gravitational wave sources
Instrument ALFOSC/StanCam+NOTCam
Time Allocation Detection trigger imag. 100min. Clas. spec. 1h. Follow-up 10x1.2h
Total Nights 24.5h
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override. Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
Empty table: no tracking data available (yet)


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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