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Program: 68-501 Sollerman ea

Kilonovae and Supernovae with ZTF during LVK O4

Observing instructions:


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P68 tracking P69 tracking
Program Tracking
Proposal 68-501
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Jesper Sollerman
Programme Kilonovae and Supernovae with ZTF during LVK O4
Instrument ALFOSC,NOTCam,FIES,StanCam
Time Allocation Hard triggers 10x(1-2)x1.5h, follow-up 4x5x1.5h
Total Nights 5
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override. Follow-up soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 29:36 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
68-501 2024-10-01 02:23 SoftToO SP1550+330, ZTF24abgjdxk, ZTF24abiesnr ALHj010170 - ALHj010185, ALHj010305 - ALHj010314 All targets were observed successfully, although ZTF24abiesnr had to be retried as seeing was so bad in the first attempt. Observed
68-501 2024-10-04 01:57 SoftToO SP1550+330, ZTF24aaleeji, ZTF24abdiwwv ALHj040079 - ALHj040085,ALHj040109 - ALHj040116,ALHj040161 - ALHj040168 There was only time enough in the schedule to observe two of the science targets. Observed
68-501 2024-10-05 02:44 SoftToO SP1550+330, ZTF24aawrofs, ZTF24aaysowl,
ALHj050053 - ALHj050059, ALHj050071 - ALHj050079, ALHj050091 - ALHj050108 Observed in clear skies with seeing below 1.0" Observed
68-501 2024-10-18 01:13 SoftToO SP1550+330, AT2024wpp, ZTF24ablxiwv ALHj180101 - ALHj180107; ALHj180175 - ALHj180182; ALHj180188 - ALHj180195 Targets were observed with clear skies and variable seeing. The OB for ztf24abjjpbo was not done and instead we observed the same target for P70-014 and shared the time. Observed
68-501 2024-10-19 01:52 SoftToO SP1550+330, BD174708, ZTF24aaysowl,
ALHj190058 - ALHj190064 ; ALHj190076 - ALHj190080 ; ALHj190089 - ALHj190105 Observed the standard at the beginning of the night with bad seeing and therefore with the 1.3 arcsec slit. However we also observed BD174708 with the 1 arcsecond slit for a different proposal, and the observations of this standard was shared so it can be used for the flux calibration. The two targets were observed through thin clouds and seeing of around 1 arcsecond. Observed
68-501 2024-10-27 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be taken due to bad weather. Failed
68-501 2024-10-31 00:57 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv ALHj310159 - ALHj310166 Seeing was a bit worse at 26 degree elevation than I thought, ~1.4''. On the other hand, as the target is rising, this setup was most likely the correct decision to use. Thin clouds appeared in the sky during the observation. Strong H-alpha line in Quickspec. The standard star was not observed, because another standard star with the same setup (Grism 4 and 1.0'' slit) was obtained. These calibration files are ALHj310148 & ALHj310149. Observed
68-501 2024-11-05 01:41 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv, ZTF24abiesnr, SP1045+378,
ALHk050234 - ALHk050244, ALHk050293 - ALHk050308 The seeing got worse throughout the night. All targets except ZTF24abgjdxk were observed. The target was missed due to a hard ToO that had to be observed at the start of the night. Observed
68-501 2024-11-07 00:29 SoftToO SN2023iop ALHk070012 - ALHk070016 Target was unsuccessfully observed in the first attempt due to low visibility. A second attempt was made with thin clouds with visibility approximately 1.3", with a successful observation. Observed
68-501 2024-11-09 01:11 SoftToO ZTF24abiesnr ALHk090135 - ALHk090148 Observed through thin clouds and seeing around 0.8-1.2 arcseconds. Observed
68-501 2024-11-18 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be done due to bad weather Failed
68-501 2024-11-19 00:00 SoftToO Targets could not be observed due to high humidity Note that the requested standard star cannot be observed at this time of the year (I noticed it yesterday as well but forgot to note it down) Failed
68-501 2024-11-24 01:31 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv ALHk240026 - ALHk240039 Seeing was between 1.3" and 1.6" throughout the observation. Please choose another standard star because the one included is not visible at this time of year. A standard star will be observed as part of another proposal and the data is accessible in the calibs folder. Observed
68-501 2024-11-27 00:00 SoftToO Target could not be observed due to high seeing Failed
68-501 2024-11-28 00:00 SoftToO Could not observe target due to bad weather conditions Failed
68-501 2024-12-02 00:33 ToO HD19445, ZTF24abdiwwv ALHl020122 - ALHl020126; ALHl020132 - ALHl020137 Standard star data was shared with other proposals. Second target was observed according to the requirements. Observed
68-501 2024-12-07 01:15 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv, SP1045+378, ZTF24aapvieu ALHl070219 - ALHl070220,ALHl070344 - ALHl070350,ALHl070373 - ALHl070380 Observed with clear skies and sub-arcsecond seeing. Observed
68-501 2024-12-19 01:02 SoftToO SP2209+178, ZTF24aaysowl, ALHl190106 - ALHl190112, ALHl190128 - ALHl190136 Clear skies. Seeing conditions varied a lot, so unfortunately the SP2209+178 standard was done with the 1.0'' slit at 1.2'' seeing, while ZTF24aaysowl was observed using the 1.3'' slit at 1.6'' seeing. Observed
68-501 2024-12-20 00:39 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv ALHl200079 - ALHl200083 Clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing Observed
68-501 2024-12-29 00:59 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv ALHl290132 - ALHl290146 Observed
68-501 2025-01-02 00:36 SoftToO ZTF24aaejecr ALIa020154 - ALIa020162 Seeing of around 0.9 arcsec and clear skies. Observed
68-501 2025-01-06 00:26 SoftToO ZTF24abyatjx ALIa060247 - ALIa060253 Good seeing Observed
68-501 2025-01-08 00:42 SoftToO ZTF24abdiwwv, ZTF23abjrdem ALIa080084 - ALIa080088, ALIa080100 - ALIa080104 Great night with excellent conditions. Low wind, humidity and good seeing. Observed
68-501 2025-01-09 01:27 SoftToO ZTF24abunzoi, ZTF24abvtbyt,
ZTF24abyaspl, SP1550+330
ALIa090048 - ALIa090059,ALIa090145 - ALIa090151,ALIa090201 - ALIa090207 Clear night with excellent conditions and good seeing. Good seeing variant of requested observations were executed. Observed
68-501 2025-01-10 00:36 SoftToO ZTF22aanyxmg, SP1045+378 ALIa100174 - ALIa100180;ALIa100253 - ALIa100259 Targets observed according to the requirements. Observed
68-501 2025-01-17 00:00 SoftToO SP1045+378 ALIa170230 - ALIa170236 Setting as failed because we were only able to observe the standard due to time and weather restrictions. Failed
68-501 2025-01-28 00:58 SoftToO ZTF24abunzoi, ZTF24abdiwwv ALIa280175 - ALIa280184 Both targets observed with seeing better than 1.3". Observed
68-501 2025-01-29 01:21 SoftToO ZTF25aaaoxjm ALIa290142 - ALIa290148 Observed with clear skies and variable seeing between 1.1" - 2.0" Data shared with proposal 70-503 Observed
68-501 2025-02-02 00:40 SoftToO SN2024afav, SP1036+433 ALIb020152 - ALIb020158, ALIb020172-ALIb020175 Observed with ~2'' seeing. The standard couldn't be observed due to high wind in its direction so a new standard was created SP1036+433. Observed
68-501 2025-02-08 00:25 SoftToO ZTF25aaaoxjm ALIb080242 - ALIb080247 Observed with thin clouds and seeing around 1.0" Observed
68-501 2025-02-18 00:48 SoftToO SN2025kg , ZTF25aaaoxjm ALIb180129 - ALIb180130, ALIb180132 - ALIb180134, ALIb180327 - ALIb180329 Terminated OB due to high recorded seeing, but after taking test exposure of M78, seeing was found to be 1.3". Continued observations with clear skies and seeing around 1.3". Marked OB as completed, but if data is not acceptable, please contact. Observed
68-501 2025-02-19 01:11 SoftToO ZTF24abyaspl, ZTF25aafibim ALIb190384 - ALIb190398 Observed both soft ToO's with only minor eye squinting. abyaspl was slightly difficult to center using the second acquisition image, but the target was centered on the slit. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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