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MOSCA SEQUENCER Script Reference

MOSCA miscellaneous scripts (mosca.script in scripts)

  • log-comment "Comment in quotes" [file1 file2 file3 ...]
    Adds a remark to the FITS headers of an existing data file, in the LOGCOMME keyword.

    When invoked with just the comment, it will be applied to the latest available image with a prefix for the current night (which starts at noon) and the sequencer's instrument.

    If image names are provided, the program will test the existence of ALL them before applying the change.


            $ mosca.log-comment "This is a comment"
            $ mosca.log-comment "Comment for two" MOug170154 MOug170155
    Notice that there's no need to add the ".fits" after each image's name

    If no arguments are provided, a usage message is displayed
  • wait-camera-state idle|integrating|readout|pending|not-integrating
    Wait until the ccd camera is in the requested mode. NB!: waiting for the mode to be 'readout' without starting an integration afterwards will lead to infinite waiting.
    'not-integrating' will likely be the most usefull state to wait for.
  • wheels [-e] [-f filterID ]
    Move all FASU wheels in one go. If invoked without arguments, it selects the open position for both FASU wheels. If -f filterID is used, then the script will try to look up the filter in the database and, if found, will use the mosca.fasua and mosca.fasub to move the wheels to the desired configuration.

    NB: both wheels are moved ALWAYS. This will be the case until there's a way to query for the current wheel positions when using MOSCA.
  • focus-offset [-e]
    Optics in the beam introduces a telescope focus offset (see table). The 'focus-offset' command checks what is currently in the FASU filter wheels and applies the corresponding focus offset (using foc-del) when possible. Be very careful when using this command. Focus offset for many optical elements are not known and as a consequence the telescope may in fact not be in focus even after using this command. If the focus offset is not known, 0 will be assumed. If this occurs, a warning message will appear both in the talker window and in the sequencer window. Several warning messages may appear if several optical elements in the beam have unknown focus offsets. The final telescope focus offset applied is the sum of the offsets for the element in each wheel, and may therefore be wrong if any offset is unknown. Do not use this command in scripts unless you are absolutely sure that the focus offset are known for all optical elements to be used.

MOSCA acquisition scripts (mosca.script in scripts)

  • targetoff [1-4,c]
    Calculates the telescope offset required to move a target from one position on the mosaic to another and performs the required telescope offset. If run without any arguments, the target position is identified interactively by the user through an imexam session on the currently loaded DS9 image. If an argument in the range 1-4 is given to the command, the target position corresponds to the center of the CCD 1-4, where the number refers to the MEF extension number (1: lower left hand corner CCD, 2:lower right hand corner CCD 3: top left hand corner CCD , 4:top right hand corner CCD). If the desired target position is the center of the mosaic, the argument 'c' should be given to the command.

MOSCA DS9 and Analysis scripts (mosca.script in scripts)

  • setdisplay [X server]
    Set the X server on which the DS9 window will be displayed. If no X server is specified, the server from which the command is issued will be used. (Note that the X server must allow for remote connections).
  • display [file]
    Loads an image into the MOSCA DS9 display. If no file is specified, the last image obtained will be loaded. A MOSCA DS9 display will be created if none is available.
  • display-start
    Starts an empty MOSCA DS9 display.
  • focus-auto focus-step-size [image]
    Computes the best focus value from a focus sequence image taken with the command 'focus5'. If no image name is given, the last obtained image will be used. The "telescope focus-FWHM" plot shows the detected sequences, the "rejected" sequences as red crosses and the best focus is indicated as a vertical line.
    You need to kill the window to get the prompt back.
    Note 1, the computed focus value is not automatically sent the the TCS.
    Note 2, this script will only work properly with a 5 point focus sequence, not with a 3 or 7 point focus sequence.
  • overlay
    Overlays the loaded DS9 image with seeing information and marks saturated objects.
  • hicut value
    Applies a minmax scaling of the loaded image and sets the highcut to the value specified.
  • locut value
    Applies a minmax scaling of the loaded image and sets the lowcut to the value specified.
  • restore-uparm
    Populates the iraf uparm directory, used by the pyraf based sequencer scripts, with some known working parameter files.
  • wcs-align [yes|no]
    Display the loaded image using world coordinates such that North is up. Called with the 'no' option, the image is aligned according to orientation on the detector.
  • zscale
    Sets the upper and lower limits of the loaded image based on the IRAF ZScale algorithm. (Displays the image values near the median image value).
  • imexam
    Initiates an IRAF imexam session on the image currently loaded into the MOSCA DS9. While active in the imexam session, no further commands can be issued from the sequencer window.


    ?       Print help
    a       Aperture radial photometry measurement (see above for output)
    c       Column plot
    e       Contour plot
    f       Redraw the last graph
    j       Fit 1D gaussian to image lines
    k       Fit 1D gaussian to image columns
    l       Line plot
    m       Statistics
                image[section] npixels mean median stddev min max
    q       Quit
    r       Radial profile plot (see above for output)
    s       Surface plot
    x       Print coordinates
                col line pixval [xorign yorigin dx dy r theta]
  • killdisplay
    Terminates all instances of the MOSCA DS9 display.
  • killimexam
    Terminates all MOSCA sequencer scripts related to imexam and the MOSCA DS9 display.

MOSCA Staff-only scripts

  • qc-script
    Takes a sequence of two bias frames and two flat fields with the betalight for 1x1 and 2x2 setting and calls gainron to calculate gain and read-out-noise.
  • find-biasoffset
  • Reads the bias-offsets from the ccdrc-file, takes a bin 2x2 bias frame, calculates the bias-levels and compute a bias-offsets for im2,im3,im4 to have the same bias level as it is in im1 (bottom left CCD).

  • gainron [file]
    Computes detector gain and read-out-noise based on a sequence of two bias frames and two flat fields. The filename must be the last in the sequence.
    If no filename is given, the last obtained image name will be used. Calculated values are being compared to previous values before being uploaded to database.
    If the deviations from previous results are found to be too large, the script can be terminated without uploading results.
  • killpostprocess
    Terminates all MOSCA sequencer scripts and the MOSCA DS9 display. Note that this will terminate any running observing scripts.
Back to top Last modified: December 12 2022