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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Apr 01 Apr 06 43-017 Haakon Dahle NO Stellar masses in lensed sources: IR+optical photometry from Spitzer / NOT MOSCA  
Apr 06 Apr 07 43-045 Daniele Malesani DK Searching for the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts MOSCA Service 
Apr 07 Apr 08 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
Apr 08 Apr 09 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 09 Apr 10 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Apr 10 Apr 11 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Apr 11 Apr 13 43-211 M. Pereira Spain SFR tracers in dusty galaxies: Narrow-band imaging in H-alpha of local LIRGs ALFOSC  
Apr 13 Apr 14 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 14 Apr 15 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM P43-029 4 hr. 
Apr 15 Apr 19 43-206 E. Toloba Spain Stellar content, MAss and Kinematics of Cluster Early-type Dwarfs (SMAKCED) IIa NOTCAM  
Apr 19 Apr 22 43-038 Joachim Janz FI Stellar content, MAss and Kinematics of Cluster Early-type Dwarfs NOTCAM  
Apr 22 Apr 23 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Apr 23 Apr 24 43-010 Christoffer Karoff DK Revealing the roots of stellar cycles FIES +ALFOSC Service;half night. 
Apr 23 Apr 24 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC Service;P43-015 80 min, first half of night. 
Apr 24 Apr 27 43-030 Jari Kotilainen FI Star formation in starburst galaxies at different stages of interaction ALFOSC  
Apr 27 Apr 28 43-018 Haakon Dahle NO A new population of massive galaxy clusters from Planck ALFOSC Service 
Apr 28 Apr 29 43-302 R. Kotak CCI Deaths of the most massive stars & precision cosmology using new transient discovery factories (ITP-4) ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 29 Apr 30 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 30 May 06 43-040 Goeran Ostlin SE Trident: Combined Lyman alpha, H alpha and ionising radiation at z~2 MOSCA  
May 06 May 07 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
May 07 May 08 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-015 80 min, first half; P43-027 2 hr 
May 08 May 09 43-035 J. Leon-Tavares FI The connection between the M(BH) and the relativistic jet in blazars. NOTCAM Service 
May 09 May 15 43-040 Goeran Ostlin SE Trident: Combined Lyman alpha, H alpha and ionising radiation at z~2 NOTCAM  
May 15 May 16 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM P43-029 4 hr. 
May 16 May 18 43-701 Stockholm U. Sweden Course in Observational Astrophysics NOTCAM Possibly change to ALFOSC or FIES later. 
May 18 May 21 43-701 Stockholm U. Sweden Course in Observational Astrophysics ALFOSC Possibly change to ALFOSC or FIES later. 
May 21 May 22 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
May 22 May 23 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
May 23 May 26 43-108 Francesca Faedi UK Discovery and characterisation of more SuperWASP planets FIES +ALFOSC  
May 26 May 29 43-213 E. Villaver Spain Planets and Metallicities of Giant Stars FIES +ALFOSC  
May 29 May 30 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
May 30 Jun 01 43-004 John Telting NOT Follow-up spectroscopy of Kepler subdwarf-B pulsators: binaries ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 01 Jun 02 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 02 Jun 03 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
Jun 03 Jun 05 43-105 Philippe Rousselot FR Photometric study of active Centaur P/2004 A1 (LONEOS) ALFOSC  
Jun 05 Jun 06 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Jun 06 Jun 07 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 07 Jun 10 43-702 NordForsk Nordic OSO/NOT Course in Observational Astrophysics ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 07 Jun 08 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 08 Jun 09 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 09 Jun 10 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 10 Jun 11 43-702 NordForsk Nordic OSO/NOT Course in Observational Astrophysics NOTCAM +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 10 Jun 11 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Service; half night; P43-029 4 hr. 
Jun 11 Jun 12 43-035 J. Leon-Tavares FI The connection between the M(BH) and the relativistic jet in blazars. NOTCAM Service 
Jun 12 Jun 13 43-702 NordForsk Nordic OSO/NOT Course in Observational Astrophysics NOTCAM +FIES Service; half nights 
Jun 12 Jun 13 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES Half nights 
Jun 13 Jun 14 43-302 R. Kotak CCI Deaths of the most massive stars & precision cosmology using new transient discovery factories (ITP-4) ALFOSC Service 
Jun 14 Jun 19 43-110 Geza Kovacs HU Spectroscopic Follow-up of HATNet Transiting Exoplanet Candidates FIES +ALFOSC  
Jun 19 Jun 20 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Jun 20 Jun 21 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 21 Jun 25 43-102 Robin Jeffries UK New fast-rotating young stars from the SuperWASP survey FIES +StanCam  
Jun 25 Jun 26 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jun 26 Jun 27 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 27 Jun 28 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 28 Jul 03 43-018 Haakon Dahle NO A new population of massive galaxy clusters from Planck ALFOSC  
Jul 03 Jul 04 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
Jul 04 Jul 05 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Jul 05 Jul 06 43-105 Philippe Rousselot FR Photometric study of active Centaur P/2004 A1 (LONEOS) ALFOSC  
Jul 06 Jul 07 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 07 Jul 08 43-105 Philippe Rousselot FR Photometric study of active Centaur P/2004 A1 (LONEOS) ALFOSC  
Jul 08 Jul 09 43-215 T. Shahbaz Spain The synchrotron origin for the rapid optical emission in X-ray binaries ALFOSC  
Jul 09 Jul 10 43-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Jul 10 Jul 11 43-010 Christoffer Karoff DK Revealing the roots of stellar cycles FIES +ALFOSC Service;half night. 
Jul 10 Jul 11 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC Service;half night. 
Jul 11 Jul 16 43-041 Lars A. Buchhave DK Characterising Transiting Planet Candidates Identified by Kepler FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 16 Jul 17 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 17 Jul 18 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Half night 
Jul 17 Jul 22 43-703 OPTICON OPT NEON observing curse in remote mode from Moletai observatory. ALFOSC Service; half nights 
Jul 18 Jul 19 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Half night 
Jul 19 Jul 20 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights; P43-027 2 hr 
Jul 20 Jul 21 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jul 21 Jul 22 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; half nights 
Jul 22 Jul 24 43-004 John Telting NOT Follow-up spectroscopy of Kepler subdwarf-B pulsators: binaries FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 24 Jul 26 43-217 J.Knapen Spain UV emission in early-type galaxies: Tracing massive star formation? ALFOSC  
Jul 26 Jul 29 43-210 B. Femenia Spain Near Diffraction-Limited Follow-Up Observations of Kepler Targets on NOT using FastCam FastCam  
Jul 29 Jul 30 43-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Jul 30 Jul 31 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 31 Aug 01 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Aug 01 Aug 02 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
Aug 02 Aug 03 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Aug 03 Aug 08 43-041 Lars A. Buchhave DK Characterising Transiting Planet Candidates Identified by Kepler FIES +ALFOSC  
Aug 08 Aug 09 43-032 Lars A. Buchhave DK Spectroscopic Follow-up of HATNet Transiting Exoplanet Candidates   
Aug 09 Aug 10 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 10 Aug 13 43-802 NBI/CU Denmark ALFOSC Guaranteed Time NOTCAM +FIES  
Aug 13 Aug 14 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES P43-029 4 hr. 
Aug 14 Aug 15 43-035 J. Leon-Tavares FI The connection between the M(BH) and the relativistic jet in blazars. NOTCAM Service 
Aug 15 Aug 16 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Aug 16 Aug 19 43-213 E. Villaver Spain Planets and Metallicities of Giant Stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Aug 19 Aug 20 43-212 E. Niemczura Poland Characterisation of Kepler pulsators with FIES FIES +ALFOSC  
Aug 20 Aug 21 43-302 R. Kotak CCI Deaths of the most massive stars & precision cosmology using new transient discovery factories (ITP-4) ALFOSC Service 
Aug 21 Aug 22 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 22 Aug 23 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Aug 23 Aug 27 43-108 Francesca Faedi UK Discovery and characterisation of more SuperWASP planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Aug 27 Aug 28 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 28 Aug 31 43-801 IAA Spain ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 31 Sep 01 43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey MOSCA Service 
Sep 01 Sep 03 43-216 I. Negueruela Spain Low-luminosity red supergiants in Galactic clusters ALFOSC  
Sep 03 Sep 04 43-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Sep 04 Sep 05 43-010 Christoffer Karoff DK Revealing the roots of stellar cycles FIES +ALFOSC Service;half night. 
Sep 04 Sep 05 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC Service; half night. P43-027 2 hr. 
Sep 05 Sep 06 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 06 Sep 07 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 07 Sep 13 43-208 S. Simon Spain The IACOB spectroscopic survey of Northern Galactic OB stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Sep 13 Sep 14 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES P43-029 4 hr. 
Sep 14 Sep 15 43-035 J. Leon-Tavares FI The connection between the M(BH) and the relativistic jet in blazars. NOTCAM Service 
Sep 15 Sep 16 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 16 Sep 17 43-005 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-process enhancements in extreme halo giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Sep 17 Sep 18 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr. 
Sep 18 Sep 20 43-211 M. Pereira Spain SFR tracers in dusty galaxies: Narrow-band imaging in H-alpha of local LIRGs ALFOSC  
Sep 20 Sep 21 43-030 Jari Kotilainen FI Star formation in starburst galaxies at different stages of interaction ALFOSC Service 
Sep 21 Sep 22 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 22 Sep 23 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time MOSCA +FIES  
Sep 23 Sep 24 43-045 Daniele Malesani DK Searching for the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts MOSCA Service 
Sep 24 Sep 28 43-016 Haakon Dahle NO Identifying the strongest gravitational lenses in the universe: SDSS DR8 MOSCA  
Sep 28 Sep 29 43-302 R. Kotak CCI Deaths of the most massive stars & precision cosmology using new transient discovery factories (ITP-4) ALFOSC Service 
Sep 29 Sep 30 43-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 30 Oct 01 43-199 Various Nordic Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; P43-027 2 hr; P43-015 80 min. 

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
43-002 S. Frandsen DK Spectroscopy of pulsating red giants in eclipsing binaries Mon FIES Short runs of 2h typical. 3.0 Not time-critical; adaptable cadence. 
43-006 Pall Jakobsson IS Building a Complete Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts ToO Any 9x(3h + 3h) + 3x(3+Nx2h) 8.5 Override; immediate response; follow-up next night(s). 
43-007 Ariel Goobar SE NOTCluless: NOT Cluster Lensed Supernova Survey ToO ALFOSC 16 x 1h 2.0 1h/night, on same or next two nights. 
43-008 Ariel Goobar SE Detailed studies of nearby Type Ia Supernovae: early-time observations ToO ALFOSC+ FIES 2x8x1h + 2x8x0.5h + 6x1h +2x1.25h 4.0 First trigger on same or next night; FIES obs within 1 week. 
43-011 J. Sollerman SE Core-collapse supernova ToO ToO ALFOSC 6x(2X1.5h) + 4x(4x1h) 5.0 First trigger on same or next night; rest to be planned. 
43-015 Tapio Pursimo NOT Testing the binary black hole model: emssion line and continuum correlation Mon ALFOSC 80 min in Apr, May, late Sept. 1.0  
43-021 L.O. Takalo FI Blazar host galaxies during optically faint state ToO ALFOSC 2x4h 1.0 Within 10 nights max. 
43-027 Seppo Mattila FI Explosion rates and deaths of massive stars from the Pan-STARRS1 survey Mon ALFOSC 12 x 2h 3.0 Soft ToO, 2h every ~two weeks. 
43-029 Erkki Kankare FI Supernovae as probes of their host galaxies and circumstellar medium Mon NOTCam 4h each month 2.0 Only feasible when NOTCam is mounted. 
43-214 J.Gorosabel Spain Exploiting the NOT instrumentation to study Gamma-ray Bursts ToO Any   Spanish ToO - no override 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

Back to top Last modified: September 16 2024