General rules for the allocation of observing time and user
The Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) is a facility intended for
astronomical research, where the main objective of NOTSA is to provide
access to researchers at Nordic institutes. The Associates that form
the NOT Scientific Association contribute a major part of the funding,
which covers basic access to the telescope and its instrument for
Nordic users, but NOT provides substantial more services than pure
access to the telescope. As stipulated in the new NOTSA Agreement, the
users shall also contribute to the operational cost of the telescope,
and for any services requested beyond basic access, a contribute to
the operational cost will be required. Non-Associate users should
contribute the full operational cost for any observing time that is
allocated, and the corresponding services that are provided.
Furthermore, in accordance with the new NOTSA Agreement, the share of
observing time for each Nordic Country is to be proportional to the
contributions from the Associates.
A document outlining the rules for the allocation of observing time
and the related user contributions as agreed with the NOT Council can
be found here.
For proposals being allocated time through
the user contribution is covered by that programme.
These rules for the allocation of time and the related user
contributions will be implemented by the next Call for Proposals (with
deadline in the middle of November 2014).
I would like to stress that this is a joint decision by the Associates
that offer the NOT to the community, while this also has been
discussed with many people in detail to come to a situation that is
acceptable and provide a sustainable future for the NOT. I strongly
believe the alternative is not in the interest of anybody.
I truly hope that this will be the start of a new phase in the life of
NOT, so it can continue to be as successful as it already has been
until now.
July 17, 2014
T. Augusteijn
Director, NOTSA