
The use of an ``H2RG'' array for the future NTE instrument requires Copenhagen to provide a controller that works for this IR array. In order to test both the array and this new controller before NTE goes on the telescope, it has been suggested to do this with NOTCam. This idea could be a great advantage both for the NTE development time-scale, as well as for NOTCam users. Since NOTCam still suffers from important out-of-spec features (such as too long readout time, an inability to abort exposures, as well as a zero-valued column in the centre of the array due to the controller) that were never corrected, and for which we have been waiting for a controller upgrade ever since, our IR observers should benefit from this temporary solution for NOTCam. In order for this to be useful, however, a number of requirements must be met. As a minimum, the requirement is that NOTCam can deliver what it does today, or preferably better. For the delivered data product to be acceptable, certain requirements are put on the controller and the data acquisition system. The technical requirements will be summarised in a short document, to be written NOT. The document will specifically address the requirements tailored to the ``H2RG'' array in NOTCam. As such, it is different from the 34 page document ``User Requirements for the new Controller and Data Acquisition System'' we provided to the NBI in 2012, see
which was specifically tailored to issues with the current ``Hawaii-1k'' array.

Thomas Augusteijn 2016-05-05