Very small changes were made to FIESTool, and a revised version ( was released. This version does not change the internal workings of FIESTool, but it is a collection of bug fixes that lets FIESTool work with newer versions of a number of libraries.

FIESTool is being used under various operating systems, and over the years people have noticed difficulties when it comes to installing all the dependencies that FIESTool uses. To circumvent this problem, we have created a Virtual Machine (VM) running on Oracle VirtualBox, a free VM solution, which contains a pre-installed Linux system with all the software needed to run FIESTool. This effectively reduces installing FIESTool to downloading the VM. This solution has been tested privately by a few users, and also in the recent FINCA School that made remote use of NOT's services. The feedback has been encouraging, and we are planning to provide it along with FIESTool itself.

A upgrade of FIESTool will likely be needed when the new FIES CCD arrives. We are considering to invite the creator of FIESTool, Eric Stempels from Uppsala University, to come to the La Palma when the CCD is being commissioned.

We are close to implementing the system were FIESTool will automatically reduce all incoming data. The system includes a graphical tool that allows the observers to view the automatically reduced data, while the reduced data will also be provided to the observers together with the raw data.

Thomas Augusteijn 2013-12-02