The StanCam CCD controller is very old and is incompatible with all other controller currently in use. This makes the issue of repairs or replacement in case of failure an issue, especially as StanCam is an essential part for observing with FIES. Fortunately it was found that an early, three generations old ALFOSC controller we still have does have compatible boards which can be used as spares. One remaining issue is that we do not have a spare for the specific controller EPROM. This can be transplanted to a spare board, but the EPROM might fail itself. We have requested copies of the software that is in the EPROM (for StanCam but also for other detectors) from Copenhagen. We are also considering reading the EPROMS, and a reader is being purchased. However, there is an inherent danger in taking out the EPROM and using the reader.
In the longer run, when the FIES CCD and controller are replaced, we should consider mounting the FIES detector in the StanCam dewar and use its controller. It will require to establish if the existing CCD 'spider' will go directly into the StanCam dewar and if the dewar connectors can be simply transplanted, otherwise a new StanCam dewar would be needed.
Thomas Augusteijn 2013-05-10