
To reflect the scientific return of the NOT we maintain a continually updated inventory of all publications based wholly or in part on data from the NOT. For an up-to-date list see

Users of NOT data are requested to help us keep this inventory complete by informing us of any such papers as soon as they are published. However, we also actively search the main journals. We list refereed journal publications in A&A, MNRAS, PASP, ApJ, ApJL, ApJS, Astronomische Nachrichten, Planetary and Space Science, Icarus, Nature, and Science. Recently we added about 50 more publications for early NOT years. These were found using new all-text search methods now available for scanned-in articles, mostly published in the period 1990-1998.

We also maintain lists of MSc and PhD theses based wholly or in part on data from the NOT. Recently we have added 3 new MSc and 3 new PhD theses published in 2012, 5 of which were from current or former NOT students. These lists are very likely not complete (especially on the Spanish side) as there is no simple way to search for them and we mostly depend on being specifically informed.

Thomas Augusteijn 2013-05-10