There are various points related to the general computer system:
- Operating system: Ubuntu 10.04 was made the new standard
for the staff computers at the sea level office. Most of the
computers have been upgraded.
- Monitoring system: The monitoring system that checks the
health of the computers at the observatory is being expanded to
cover more computers, services and subsystems. The main objective is
to is to have a system that monitors the observing critical
computers and provides warning and error messages so it can be
determined if (preventive) maintenance is required.
- Network: The increase the flexibility and security of our
computer network the design is being changes. As part of the
redesign two new routers were purchased. The routers already have
been tested, and the network change will be implemented in the next
few months.
- Computer replacements: New computers were purchased,
installed and commissioned to replace the old computers used by the
visitors and staff in the control room and staff office to analyse
observations or do other work not directly involving the use of the
observing systems.
- Printers: New laser printers have been purchased and
installed to replace the aging ones in the control room and in the
staff office at the observatory.
Thomas Augusteijn