Some improvements and bug fixes were made to the observing data tracking and archiving system. One of the main advantages is that it can be started from anywhere, e.g., DVD production can be started from the Residencia before going to the telescope, and everything can be ready by the time you arrive at the telescope. Some more improvements of the archiving system are planned (reprinting of covers, burning more than one night to one DVD, dealing with shared nights, etc)
At the sea-level office a mass data storage system has been set-up to copy all the data from the archive (CDs and DVDs). As a first step this will be the more modern MEF format data, where the plan is to convert older data to a more modern format before saving it. Software is being written to make the process of copying the data from the disks as easy as possible. In the long run the storage system can act as online archive and be integrated with a Virtual Observing system.