``Fast-Track'' Service Program

In period 36 there were 19 proposals accepted. Of these there were 10 `grade 1' proposals, 6 `grade 2' proposals, and 3 `grade 3' proposals. All proposals have been completed still during period 39 and no proposal needed to be closed because it expired at the end the period 39.

In period 37 there were 12 proposals accepted. Of these there were 6 `grade 1' proposals, 2 `grade 2' proposals, and 4 `grade 3' proposals. All the `grade 1' proposals have been completed. None of the `grade 2' have been completed. Of the `grade 3' proposals, 2 has been completed. It should be noted that for the 4 remaining proposals no observing instructions were received so the are not and cannot be selected for execution.

In period 38 there were 28 proposals accepted. Of these there were 17 `grade 1' proposals, 10 `grade 2' proposals, and 1 `grade 3' proposal. Of the `grade 1' proposals, 14 have been completed. Of the `grade 2' proposals, 9 have been completed and 1 has been partially completed. The `grade 3' has not been completed. Again, for this latter proposal no observing instructions were received.

In period 39 there were 9 proposals accepted. Of these there were 7 `grade 1' proposals, 2 `grade 2' proposals, and no `grade 3' proposal. Of the `grade 1' proposals, 3 have been completed and have been partially completed. Of the `grade 2' proposals, 1 has been completed.

Up till now 2 proposals have been received in period 40, where 1 is still in the process of being graded. The other proposal received `grade 1' and this proposal has already been completed.

Thomas Augusteijn 2010-02-09