General overview

In Table 2 the number of faults and total time lost as a function of the system and kind of fault is presented together with the overall numbers for the previous period (30).

Table 2: Down time statistics for period 31$^a$
Syst/Type Soft Elec Optics Mech Others Total P30
Telescope 5 00:40 23 19:35 0 $-$ 6 07:45 5 00:25 39 28:25 26 12:25
Building 0 $-$ 4 01:30 0 $-$ 3 00:00 2 00:00 9 01:30 15 00:30
Computers 16 01:15 3 02:45 0 $-$ 0 $-$ 0 $-$ 19 04:00 15 01:45
ALFOSC 8 01:50 1 00:05 2 00:00 1 00:10 2 00:00 14 02:05 9 05:55
MOSCA 2 00:00 0 $-$ 1 00:00 0 $-$ 1 00:00 4 00:00 2 00:00
NOTCam 1 00:00 3 00:15 0 $-$ 2 00:45 0 $-$ 6 01:00 6 01:35
StanCam 0 $-$ 0 $-$ 0 $-$ 3 00:00 1 00:30 4 00:30 5 00:10
Others 0 $-$ 1 00:30 0 $-$ 3 02:30 2 00:00 6 03:00 6 00:00
Total 32 03:45 35 24:40 3 00:00 18 11:10 13 00:55 101 40:30 84 22:20
P30 20 03:20 21 10:55 4 00:00 27 07:35 12 00:30 84 22:20    
$^a$For each system-type category the total number of faults and total time lost are given

Thomas Augusteijn 2006-02-02