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Goals and Objectives

A set of operational goals and objectives for the NOT for the period 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 were defined. They present the general goals for the operation of the telescope.

The idea is that the general goals and objectives are defined on a yearly basis by the Director and the Astronomer in Charge, and presented for approval to the NOT Council during the Spring Council meeting. The goals and objectives for individual staff members are based on the general goals and are set in agreement with each staff member. They form the basis for the annual performance evaluation and salary review of the staff member, which will happen on a yearly basis close to the Spring Council meeting.

The general aim of the goals and objectives is to be able to properly assign and prioritize work. This will allow a better overview of what has been done, and what can be done in the future, and they also allow a better coordination of people's activities.

Thomas Augusteijn 2004-01-06