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Turpol Neutral Density Filters

    Position Transmission Magnitude shifts Useful for
    Target brightness
    0 20 % + 1.8 mag V ~ 9 mag
    1 50 % + 0.75 mag V ~ 10 mag
    2 30 % +1.3 mag V ~ 9.5 mag
    3 10 % + 2.5 mag V ~ 9 mag
    4 3 % + 3.8 mag V ~ 7.5 mag
    5 1 % + 5 mag V ~ 6 mag
    6 65 % + 0.5 mag V ~ 10.5 mag
    7 open
    V > 11 mag

    • Neutral Density (ND) filters must be used for bright objects. The requirement is to stay below a count rate of about 100 000. At a count rate of ~ 150 000, a mirror goes in and redirects the light in order to automatically spare the photomultiplier tubes. The brightest magnitude allowed is thus effectively V = 9 (with the attenuation of the ND filter included). If you are uncertain about target brightness, start with the densest filter (#5), check the count rates, and change to a less dense one, if possible. An easy way to check the count rates without starting an integration is to go to Options, click on Mirror: Meas and then on TV.

    • NB! Note that for very accurate photometry you should have count rates below about 50 000 to 70 000 for the best stability of the R and I photomultipliers.

    • NEW FILTERS! We have two new ND filters, namely number 6 (65%) and 0 (20%). They have been kindly provided by Svetlana Berdyugina. Thanks!

    How neutral are the ND filters?

    Transparency coefficients in percents. To be continued.
    ND Filter U B V R I
    50% 56.9 54.2 52.9 52.0 52.1
    30% 39.7 36.1 34.4 33.3 33.2
    10% 11.0 10.8 10.9 11.4 12.0
    3% 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.3 3.6
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