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StanCam colour term

The transformation equations are in the form:


Where B is the catalogue magnitude, b instrumental magnitude, zp magnitude zero point, ct colour term, (B-V) colour index, k extinction, X airmass and k' 2nd-order extinction.

Band Colour index Colour term Error Second order extinction
U U-B 0.0869 0.0099 -0.03
B B-V -0.0023 0.0009 -0.03
V B-V -0.0636 0.0012 0.0
R V-R -0.1149 0.0026 0.0
I V-I -0.0586 0.0057 0.0
V V-R -0.1147 0.0021 0.0
R R-I -0.1108 0.0025 0.0
I R-I -0.1175 0.0114 0.0

Note that for U and B bands second-order extinction of -0.03 was always assumed. This was computed with synthetic photometry.
U,B and I colour-terms were computed with much less observations than V and R. The colour-terms are very similar to ALFOSC, except maybe V and I.
These results were kindly provided by Vallery Stanishev.

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