The SOFIN Echelle spectrograph

SOFIN at Cassegrain, with Piskunov's Loral which was commissioned 01/2002 (foto R. Rekola)
SOFIN was originally a joint project of Crimean and Helsinki
SOFIN is a high-resolution Echelle spectrograph provides a resolution
of R=27000-170000. SOFIN also offers spectropolarimetry.
As of period 57, SOFIN is only offered to do circular
spectro-polarimetry with the medium-resolution (R~80,000)
SOFIN is not a common-user instrument, but is only
supported during fixed periods by Dr. Ilya Ilyin (, AIP,
Potsdam and/or Dr. Jyri Lehtinen (, MPS,
Göttingen. Before applying, prospective users should
obtain explicit approval for the use of SOFIN from Dr. Thomas Hackman
(, from the University of Helsinki, and
Dr. Maarit Käpylä (, from the Max Planck Institute
in Göttingen.
SOFIN efficiency
Some examples of SOFIN spectra