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NOTCam Status Report, Oct 1996

  • Funding - Proposals have gone into the four Nordic Research Councils for funding of the NOT Core Instrument Program which includes NOTCam. Funding for NOTCam has been officially split 50/50 between the Norwegian and Swedish RCs. The latest news is that the Swedish RC has put NOTCam has its highest priority project. Final funding details are anticipated in the near future.
  • A proposal has been submitted to the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, Scotland for the optical and mechanical design of NOTCam together with the acquisition and testing of the optical components. The results of this tender are expected soon.
  • A proposal has been submitted to IJAF Copenhagen for the design and construction of a modified Brocam/ALFOSC type CCD controller to operate and readout the Rockwell 1024x1024 near-IR array. Also, IJAF has been tendered for the production of a motor controller unit to control all NOTCam motors, and instrumentation and data acquisition software for the instrument.