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Flux standard stars for FIES

The below table lists the stars used for FIES standard-star monitoring, and can be used for regular programs as well.
The stars are selected from the ING standard-star page .

name TCS catalog entryspectral typeexp time
G191-B2B SP0501+527 05:05:30.6 52:49:52 Mean 2000 +0.013 -0.093 11.9DA0 (blue) 300  
HD 93521 SP1045+378 10:48:23.5 37:34:13 Mean 2000 +0.000 +0.002 7.0O9Vp (blue) 60  
BD+33 2642 SP1550+330 15:51:59.9 32:56:53 Mean 2000 10.7B2IVp (blue)300  
BD+28 4211 SP2148+286 21:51:11.1 28:51:50 Mean 2000 10.7sdOp (blue) 300  
Feige 110 SP2317-054 23:19:58.4 -05:09:57 Mean 2000 11.9DOp (blue) 300  

NB the above exposure times are indicative for FIES; for target acquisition with StanCam use someting on the order of 0.1 to 5 seconds.
The last number in the "TCS catalog entry" field gives the magnitude.
Click on the objects, or see the ING standard-star page for finding charts and more info on these stars.

The visibility plot of today!


  • TCS catalog:             (list as above, supplemented with flux-standards for ALFOSC)
  • TCS catalog:     (full catalog)

    Radial-velocity standard stars for FIES

    The below table lists the stars used for FIES radial-velocity monitoring, and can be used for regular programs as well.
    The stars are selected from the CORALIE/ELODIE list of Radial-Velocity Standards (for details see Udry et al. 1999)

    name TCS catalog entryspectral typeradial velocityexp time
    HD3765 00:40:49.3 40:11:14 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 K2V -63.30 180
    HD38230 05:46:01.9 37:17:05 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 K0V -29.25 180
    HD79210 09:14:22.8 52:41:12 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 M0V 10.65 180
    HD115404 13:16:51.1 17:01:02 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 K2V 7.60 60
    HD151541 16:42:38.6 68:06:08 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 K1V 9.40 180
    HD182572 19:24:58.2 11:56:40 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 G7IV-100.35 60
    HD182488 19:23:34.0 33:13:19 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 6.4 G8V -21.55 60
    HD197076 20:40:45.1 19:56:08 Mean 2000.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 G5V -35.40 60

    NB the above exposure times are indicative for FIES; for target acquisitioning with StanCam use someting on the order of 0.1 to 0.5 seconds.
    The last number in the "TCS catalog entry" field gives the magnitude.

    RV standards visibility plot of today.


  • TCS catalog:           (list as above)
  • TCS catalog:     (full catalog)
  • Back to top Last modified: July 25 2023