FIEStool requires an IRAF patch
FIEStool is a front end to IRAF.
The wavelength shift WVLSHIFT calculated by IRAF is given with only 3
digits. For small shifts this translates into 2 decimals which gives an
error of up to ~3 m/s because of rounding off before actually shifting the
spectrum. When the shift is large WVLSHIFT has only one decimal
giving an error of ~30 m/s in the shift and this is certainly too much.
Based on the above it might help to use 4 decimals in WVLSHIFT for high
precision work. The below shows how to make IRAF give that precision:
Change the format on line 158 of the file
call fprintf (fd, "%20s %3d/%-3d %3d/%-3d %9.3g %10.3g %7.3g %7.3g\n")
call fprintf (fd, "%20s %3d/%-3d %3d/%-3d %9.3g %12.4f %7.3g %7.3g\n")
Once the change is made you'll need to recompile the package. Login as the
'iraf' user on your system, and check that you have $iraf and $IRAFARCH
defined in your unix environment.
Then type the following at the command prompt :
cd /iraf/iraf/noao
mkpkg -p noao $IRAFARCH
cd onedspec
mkpkg -p noao update
This should make the change.