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DIPol-UF: Three-band high-speed polarimeter

The new, high-precision astronomical imaging polarimeter DIPol-UF (Double Image Polarimeter – Ultra Fast) was built by the research group from the University of Turku (UTU), Finland, in collaboration with the Leibniz-Institut for Solar Physics (KIS), Germany; see the UTU press release here.

New: Nov 2020 publication by V. Piirola, I.A. Kosenkov, A.V. Berdyugin, S.V. Berdyugina, J. Poutanen: DIPol-UF: Simultaneous Three-Color (BVR) Polarimeter with EM CCDs, describes the instrument used at the NOT. See PDF file.

The DIPol-UF polarimeter is capable of making simultaneous measurements in three passbands, B, V, and R, with high sensitivity. Either linear or circular polarization observations can be made, but the calcite unit can be retracted, and the instrument can also be used as a high-speed simultaneous three-band photometer.

DIPol-UF is not a common-user instrument, but is only supported during specific periods. Before applying, prospective users should contact Dr. A. Berdyugin ( at the University of Turku, or Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina ( at the Leibniz-Institut for Solar Physics, about the possible use of the instrument at the NOT.

See here for a more detailed description of the instrument when mounted at the NOT.

DIPol-UF at the Cassegrain focus of NOT during commissioning in July 2019

DIPol-UF Observer's Manual (PDF file)

DIPol-UF Troubleshooting Guide (PDF file)

Telescope instructions for DIPol-UF

Dipol-UF used in remote mode. Instructions for local support.

Mounting instructions for staff.
PDU (power supply) operations manual (PDF document for staff).

Instructions for changing retarder plate (PDF document for staff).
The retarders are found in the "Turpol" wooden cupboard, left as you enter the control room, on the left bottom shelf in a box labelled "Dipol HWP & QWP".

Back to top Last modified: November 16 2023