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Suggested integration times (UBVRI):
150,30,20,20,20 seconds

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
GD108 13.563 ±.0025 -0.214 ±.0038 -0.943 ±.0039 -0.099 ±.0025 -0.218 ±.0026 22 13
GD 108A 13.881±.0018 +0.789±.0032 +0.316±.0066 +0.458±.0018 +0.909±.0011 15 8
GD 108B 15.056±.0019 +0.839±.0043 +0.364±.0092 +0.463±.0019 +0.924±.0048 20 9
GD 108C 13.819±.0011 +0.786±.0034 +0.345±.0037 +0.435±.0011 +0.825±.0043 16 9
GD 108D 14.235±.0010 +0.641±.0020 +0.078±.0050 +0.372±.0010 +0.731±.0034 16 8
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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