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Suggested integration times (UBVRI):
150,30,20,16,8 seconds

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
SA92 425 13.941±.0025 +1.191±.0067 +1.173±.0115 +0.755±.0038 +1.384±.0038 36 19
SA92 426 14.466±.0099 +0.729±.0131 +0.184±.0293 +0.412±.0099 +0.809±.0120 8 4
SA92 355 14.965±.0088 +1.164±.0124 +1.201±.0465 +0.759±.0088 +1.406±.0090 15 7
SA92 430 14.440±.0041 +0.567±.0052 -0.040±.0081 +0.338±.0041 +0.767±.0051 35 18
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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