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Suggested integration times:
U: 150 sec (1.0" seeing), B: 60 sec (0.9" seeing) V: 30 sec (0.8" seeing) R: 20 sec (0.8" seeing) I: 20 sec (0.7" seeing)

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
SA 104 330 15.296±.0103 +0.594±.0276 -0.028±.0155 +0.369±.0103 +0.739±.0225 15 6
SA 104 334 13.484±.0047 +0.518±.0031 -0.067±.0039 +0.323±.0047 +0.653±.0047 24 16
SA 104 336 14.404±.0067 +0.830±.0072 +0.495±.0123 +0.461±.0067 +0.865±.0104 14 6
SA 104 338 16.059±.0078 +0.591±.0219 -0.082±.0368 +0.348±.0078 +0.719±.0170 8 5
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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