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ALFOSC CCD14 with CCD3COM controller

Using amplifier D the the columns 1-50 are prescan, 51-196 vignetting, 197-2037 imaging area, 2038-2098 vignetting, 2099-2148 overscan. In y-direction lines 1-123 are vignetted, 124-1964 is the imaging area, 1964-2064 are vignetted and 2065-2102 are overscan pixels.


The field of view of ALFOSC is vignetted by the aperture wheel in x roughly from columns 50 to 196 and from 2038 to 2098. In y the vignetting is roughly from line 40 to 163 and from line 2003 to 2100. Note these y-values are for amplifier A.

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