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ALFOSC spectroscopic flux-standard stars

The flux-standards below are all in a dedicated TCS catalogue:

  • on the TCS user-interface type:     read

    The exposure times in the table are purely indicative, and will depend on the grism and slit that are used.

    name TCS catalog entryspectral typeexp timeESO/HST
    HD 19445 SP0305+261 03:08:25.6 26:19:51 Mean 2000 -0.209 -0.830 8.0sdF (red) 5
    He 3; GJ 246SP0644+375 06:47:38.0 37:30:57 Mean 2000 -0.230 -0.938 12.1DA (blue) 150
    HD 84937 SP0946+139 09:48:56.1 13:44:39 Mean 2000 +0.375 -0.773 8.3sdF (red) 6
    Feige 34 SP1036+433 10:39:36.7 43:06:09 Mean 2000 +0.014 -0.026 11.3sdO (blue) 90 yes
    HD 93521 SP1045+378 10:48:23.5 37:34:13 Mean 2000 +0.000 +0.010 7.0O9Vp (blue) 2 yes
    BD+26 2606SP1446+259 14:49:02.4 25:42:09 Mean 2000 -0.010 -0.351 9.7sdF (red) 25 yes
    BD+33 2642SP1550+330 15:51:59.9 32:56:53 Mean 2000 10.7B2IVp (blue)60 yes
    Wolf 1346SP2032+248 20:34:21.9 25:03:50 Mean 2000 -0.403 -0.563 11.6DA (blue) 100
    BD+17 4708SP2209+178 22:11:31.4 18:05:34 Mean 2000 +0.506 +0.059 9.4sdF (red) 15 yes
    Feige 110 SP2317-054 23:19:58.4 -05:09:57 Mean 2000 -0.011 -0.005 11.9DOp (blue) 150 yes

    name TCS catalog entryspectral typeexp timeESO/HST
    Hiltner 600 SP0642+021 06:45:13.37 02:08:14.7 Mean 2000 +0.001 -0.003 10.4B3 (blue) 40 yes
    GD71 GD71             05:52:27.61 15:53:13.8 Mean 2000 +0.085 -0.174 13.1DAw (blue) 300 yes
    GD153 GD153           12:57:02.34 22:01:52.7 Mean 2000 -0.046 -0.204 13.4DAw (blue) 300 yes

    Click on the objects, or check the ING pages for more information on these flux-standard stars, such as finding charts.
    Note that the TCS catalog holding the complete ING flux-standard list is called .

    The visibility plot of today:


  • Back to top Last modified: January 14 2025