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ALFOSC permanent set-up for P70

All the wheels in ALFOSC have 8 positions, 7 of which can be used for optical components while the 8th must remain `Open'. For operational reasons and for Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) and/or Monitoring (Mon) programs as approved by the NOT Observing Programs Committee (OPC), several of the positions in each wheel must have a fixed set-up as listed below.

During any night the elements marked `ToO' or `Mon' should be installed at all times. The only exception would be if the regular observing program as approved by the OPC specifically requested more optical elements in the proposal form than there are slots available. Note that any modifications made later in the NIRF (the `NOT Instrument set-up Request Form' that is sent to observers approx. 1 month before the start of their observing run) must leave the `fixed' set-up intact.

The items listed for each wheel is in order of priority, and in the case that more optical elements are requested, the order in which elements marked `ToO' or `Mon' can be changed is from the bottom of each list upward. The most used spectral ToO setup is Grism #4 with Slit_1.0, and in principle these items should never be taken out.

For Spanish CAT (numbers 201-299) proposals this does not apply, and the elements marked `ToO' or `Mon' can be changed without any limitations, but in principle the order of priority should still be followed.

Optical elements which should be available at all times
FASU A: SDSS u #109 (ToO)
FASU A: SDSS g #120 (ToO)
FASU A: SDSS r #110 (ToO)
FASU A: SDSS i #111 (ToO)
FASU A: SDSS z #112 (ToO)
FASU A or B: blocking filter #94 WG345 356_LP
FASU FAPOL: lambda/2 (ToO,Mon)
Aperture wheel, eight slots
1.0 arcsec long slit (ToO)
Calcite (ToO,Mon)
1.3 arcsec long slit (ToO)
2.5 arcsec long slit (ToO)
Grism wheel, eight slots
focus pyramid
Grism #4 (ToO)
Grism #19 (ToO)
Grism #20 (ToO)
Grism #18 (ToO)
Grism #3 (ToO)
Filter wheel, eight slots
U#7 (ToO)
B#74 (ToO)
V#75 (ToO)
R#76 (ToO)
i#12 (ToO)
Grism #11

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