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ALFOSC Calibration Images

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i12 twilight flat Combined ALFOSC i(#12)-band twilight flat with cuts set to +-14% of the median level. This is a median of 28 twilight flats from 06-06-2009 to 14-10-2009, with the median count level between 15k and 23k ADUs. Individual frames have been de-biased.
R#76 twilight flat Combined ALFOSC R(#76)-band twilight flat with cuts set to +-10% of the median level. This is a median of 31 twilight flats from 08-07-2009 to 16-10-2009, with the median count level between 15k and 21k ADUs. Individual frames have been de-biased.
V#75 twilight flat Combined ALFOSC V(#75)-band twilight flat with cuts set to +-7% of the median level. This is a median of 30 twilight flats from 12-04-2009 to 21-10-2009, with the median count level between 16k and 21k ADUs. Individual frames have been de-biased.
B#74 twilight flat Combined ALFOSC B(#74)-band twilight flat with cuts set to +-6% of the median level. This is a median of 22 twilight flats from 10-04-2009 to 13-11-2009, with the median count level between 15k and 20k ADUs. Individual frames have been de-biased.

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